Home / Food Is Medicine / Got Fungus in Your Food? Mold Detox Diet

Got Fungus in Your Food? Mold Detox Diet

Let’s assume your favorite foods and drinks contain fungi linked to cancer,
as you’ll see in the list of top 10 contaminated foods and drinks to avoid below.
How do you cleanse these illness triggers from your body?

Follow the mold detoxification protocol and detox diet you discover
in a guest post courtesy of Integrative Medicine Expert–

By John A Tafel, M.D.

Detoxification: Mold and Mycotoxins Protocol

Restore the health of your body, brain and organ systems after mold exposure

Month One:

A. Identify and avoid mold and mycotoxin exposure ( “RealTime” testing, IgG and IgM levels to molds and mold plates for home and workplace.) Identify and treat genetic areas of weakness with EM-23, Methylation and Sulfonation measurements.

1. Make your bedroom a “safe room” to reduce body load (proper air filter and any sources of mold)

2. Evaluate workspace for exposure to mycotoxins.

3. Stop mold intake & growth in wet, warm parts of the body: Nasal passages and gut: Nebulized Amphotericin, Vfend, GSE or Bicarbonate and Neti pots are helpful (See Appendix)

4. Stop Mold and Mycotoxin absorption in food (see top ten foods with high mycotoxins under Appendix 1)

5. Stop toxic “addiction” from yeast/mold/Candida by-products that damages your health: Stop “vicious cycle” of acetaldehyde poisoning. Learn how this compound spreads through the body and not only causes cellular damage (via isoquinolones and beta carbolines), but also combines with dopamine to make salsolinol and serotonin to make beta carbolines–“opiate-like” compounds for short-term relief, but long-term damage to brain and other systems of the body. (See Appendix)

6. Strengthen your body’s antioxidant capacities, minerals, vitamins and others in preparation for active detoxification. Begin diet which will build up cellular glutathione, reduce “feeding” the mold, and build up your minerals and antioxidants which will be needed in stages below. Be aware that the human liver and gallbladder detoxification system is weak and may need support. There are many techniques to open up blocked pathways for myotoxin excretion and calm the free radicals that occur during this process.

Month Two:

A. Provide liver nutrients for mold detoxification as well as “binders” to remove toxins from your body. (Monitor progress, if desired, with accurate “total body load” testing.)

At the beginning of each meal your food goes to restore your gut, so you want to include re-building foods–Start meals with “vegetables” or “green” supplements, and try to include glutamine, threonine, RNA-rich food (such as in sardines), phosphatidlycholine (lecithin), and quercetin.

1. For Polar Mycotoxins: (attach to charged molecules on outside of mycotoxins and membranes–Not fat)
Zeolite (see in Appendix), bentonite or an equivalent clay product: Effective in adsorbing polar mycotoxins, e.g. aflatoxins, fumonisins. Clinoptilolite is a natural zeolite well suited to bind mycotoxins, due to its large amount of pore spaces, large inner surface, ideal pore structure and high cation exchange capacity. Cholestyramine: a quaternary ammonium ion with a charged nitrogen atom so it can bind some polar toxins in tissues.

2. For Less Polar Mycotoxins: (Modified Mannan-Oligosaccharide, derived from outer cell walls of Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast.) Broad spectrum in absorbing both polar and less polar mycotoxins, e.g. aflatoxin, zearalenone, vomitoxin, ochratoxin, fumonisin, T-2 toxin, etc. Glucomannan will not bind drugs, vitamins and minerals. ref www.cenzone-europe.com/Eng/MicrobondEn.htm

3. For Non-polar: (attach to fat of mycotoxin and inner call layer that is fatty and not charged) In some studies, clays are capable of this.

4. Others: If available in your area, try the Cell Membrane “Flush” to release Mycotoxins: This may be the most effective and fast-acting treatment–Cell membrane components are given with glutathione intravenously. This allows the cells to repair and replace the multiple damaged membranes.The usefulness of Phenylalanine and Cholestyramine has been documented for Aflatoxins.

B. Restore GI deficiencies: Depleted glutathione peroxidase and other anti-inflammatory enzymes in the gut, liver and other parts of the body with powerful anti-inflammatories.

C. Anti-Candida (and mold) diet for at least a month with use of herbals and/or medicinals to decrease the GI load and sinus load.

Oxygen therapy if you have a low venous extraction with high differential.

Month Three:

A. Continue to decrease the body’s load of mycotoxins with binders to accelerate removal from the body–If available add far red sauna or regular sauna if tolerated)

B. Restore normal hormonal and other body system balance. Check Hormone levels for insufficient anti-inflammatory support: Especially Vitamin D levels, adrenal cortisol, testosterone, DHEA & pregnenalone (Neuroprotectives)

C. Measure and reduce widespread free radicals and inflammation damage: Free radical defense supplementation and measure your morning “FREE RADICALS:”

Month Four (Sooner if needed for significant brain “fog” and other deficits.)

A. Restore Brain Function: Check for Brain microbial infection. Be aware that “leaky gut” causes influx of microbes into your system. Complete gut healing with amino acids prior to meal–especially threonine–and predominant energy source of butyrate.

1. Begin a PM brain supplement powder and PM brain antioxidants to allow your brain to replenish during sleep.
2. If you have had brain involvement, use supplements to calm down the cells that surround and support your brain cells–Reduce brain glial cell inflammation.

B. Repeat measurement of your AM free radicals, or use the more accurate AM lipid peroxides
If the free radical load is reduced, you are creating a healthier body and brain environment for your re-building process.
1. Increase brain growth factors: CDP Choline, PS and stem cell stimulation
2. Stop and repair the inner brain cell damage that occurs with chronic brain inflammation (See Brain Pages)

3. Continue GI tract and liver support and restoration. Measure Candida level and other micro-organism levels: Intensive Candida reduction to reduce damaging TIQs released by Candida. Take Biotin to reduce invasive Candida. Measure sIgA (immune system of the GI tract) and if low, take saccharomyces boulardii. Then gradually use probiotics and monitor sIgA levels.

4. Discuss the use of “Rescue” supplements for when you “cheat” on your diet
Appendix: Avoid the ten foods which are highest in mycotoxins: List One

Mycotoxins cause a wide range of health problems in humans when we are exposed to small amounts over an extended period of time, and can even be lethal if taken in large quantities over a short period of time. “Grains are sources of carbohydrates, or sugars, and as such, they risk contamination by certain fungi. These fungi produce secondary metabolites, or mycotoxins.”

One food that is not mentioned on the list is coconut oil. I want to point out that, while coconut oil is an incredible food in terms of nutrition and taste, many coconut oils contain mycotoxins. This is because they are commonly made with copras, or dried coconuts, which are often contaminated with mycotoxins. So in order to fully enjoy the benefits of this coconut oil, you will want to be sure that you find a company that uses only fresh coconuts to make their oil, like the Tropical Traditions virgin coconut oil.

You’ll also notice that peanuts are on the list. Peanuts are not only commonly contaminated with aflatoxin, a carcinogenic mold, but they will also distort your omega-3:6 ratio. A much better choice if you want to eat nuts are walnuts: They give you some beneficial omega-3.

1. Alcoholic beverages

Alcohol is the mycotoxin of the Saccharomyces yeast–brewer’s yeast. Other mycotoxins besides alcohol can also be introduced into these beverages through the use of mold-contaminated grains and fruits. Producers often use grains that are too contaminated with fungi and mycotoxins to be used for table foods, so the risk is higher that you are consuming more than just alcohol in your beverage (Council for Agricultural Science and technology. Mycotoxins: Economic and Health Risks. Task Force Report Number 116. CAST. Ames, IA. Nov 1989). Before you drink for the health of your heart, consider the other possible risks of drinking. There are safer ways of consuming antioxidants.

2. Corn

Corn is “universally contaminated” with fumonisin and other fungal toxins such as aflatoxin, zearalenone and ochratoxin (Council for Agricultural Science and Technology. Mycotoxins: Risks in Plant, Animal and Human Systems. Task Force Report No. 139. Ames, IA. Jan 2003). Fumonisin and aflatoxin are known for their cancer-causing effects, while zearalenone and ochratoxin cause estrogenic and kidney-related problems, respectively. Just as corn is universally contaminated with mycotoxins, our food supply seems to be universally contaminated with corn–it’s everywhere!

3. Wheat

Not only is wheat often contaminated with mycotoxins, but so are the products made from wheat, like breads, cereals, pasta, etc. Pasta may be the least-“offensive” form of grains since certain water-soluble mycotoxins, such as deoxynivalenol (vomitoxin), are partially removed and discarded when you toss out the boiling water that you cooked the pasta in. Unfortunately, traces of the more harmful, heat-stable and fat-soluble mycotoxins, such as aflatoxin, remain in the grain. Regarding breads–it probably doesn’t matter if it’s organic, inorganic, sprouted, blessed or not–if it came from a grain that has been stored for months in a silo, it stands the chance of being contaminated with fungi and mycotoxins.

4. Barley

Similar to other grains that can be damaged by drought, floods and harvesting and storage processes, barley is equally susceptible to contamination by mycotoxin-producing fungi. Barley is used in the production of various cereals and alcoholic beverages.

5. Sugar (sugar cane and sugar beets)

Not only are sugar cane and sugar beets often contaminated with fungi and their associated fungi, but they, like the other grains, fuel the growth of fungi. Fungi need carbohydrates–sugars–to thrive.

6. Sorghum

Sorghum is used in a variety of grain-based products intended for both humans and animals. It is also used in the production of alcoholic beverages.

7. Peanuts

A 1993 study demonstrated 24 different types of fungi that colonized the inside of the peanuts used in the report (Costantini, A. Etiology and Prevention of Atherosclerosis. Fungalbionics Series.1998/99). And this was after the exterior of the peanut was sterilized! So, when you choose to eat peanuts, not only are you potentially eating these molds, but also their mycotoxins. Incidentally, in the same study the examiners found 23 different fungi on the inside of corn kernels. That said, if you choose to plant your own garden in an attempt to avoid mycotoxin contamination of corn or peanuts, it does you no good if the seed (kernel) used to plant your garden is already riddled with mold.

8. Rye

The same goes for rye as for wheat and other grains. In addition, when we use wheat and rye to make bread, we add two other products that compound our fungal concerns: sugar and yeast!

9. Cottonseed: Cottonseed is typically found in the oil form (cottonseed oil), but is also used in the grain form for many animal foods. Many studies show that cottonseed is highly and often contaminated with mycotoxins.

10. Hard Cheeses

Here’s a hint: if you see mold growing throughout your cheese, no matter what you paid for it, there’s a pretty good chance that there’s a mycotoxin not far from the mold. It is estimated that each fungus on Earth produces up to three different mycotoxins. The total number of mycotoxins known to date numbers in the thousands.

On the other hand, some cheeses, such as Gouda cheese, are made with yogurt-type cultures, like Lactobacillus, and not fungi (Costantini, 1998/99). These cheeses are a much healthier alternative, fungally speaking.

The following list of foods are high in pleomorphic bacteria, yeast, fungus and mold and produce mycotoxins that have been documented to cause specific diseases and very specific organ lesions in both animals and in humans and should never be ingested and if eaten, only in small amounts AND never cold. Most of the foods listed if cooked throughly will kill most of the fungus. However, refrigerating them or using them cold, you are literally putting fungus into your body.

1) Pig meat including sausage, bacon, salami, and ham are full of colonized fungal and contain the fungi Aspergillus ochraceus which produces the mycotoxin Ochratoxin A which is associated with many different documented cancers.

* Cooking these meats throughly kills most of the fungus, however, cold cuts will begin to grow the fungus again and after a few days the cold meats contain the fungus again.

2) Tobacco contains yeasts and sugars which ferment the tobacco into the form which reaches the human blood and tissues causing disbiosis of the blood and tissues leading to every degenerative disease known including cancer, diabetes, arthritis, etc.

* Tobacco is bad regardless of how used except for when using tobacco leaves as the American Indian medicine men uses it. They use it as a poultice to draw our poisons out of the body, cure some skin infections and prevent infection from developing in cuts.

3) Mushrooms are not a vegetable but rather the fruiting body of a fungus whose major form of existence, the root-like mycelium, is hidden in the soil. This fruiting body is the means to disperse the seed-like spores of the fungus throughout the blood and tissues. For example edible mushrooms induce bladder cancer.

* You should never eat raw mushrooms because of this fungus. Cooking mushrooms for a period of time until they at least change color kills most of the fungus. However, if in foods that are leftovers and refrigerated, the fungus will multiple.

4) Corn and all associated products contain over 25 different strains of fungus, all disease causing. Several cancer causing.

* Corn that is cooked throughly kills most of the fungus. However, cold corn that is put into salads will multiply as the fungus grows rapidly.

5) Peanuts & Cashews contain over 27 different strains of fungus…(high levels of cancer causing fungus).

Note: Jimmy Carter’s family has a high incidence of cancer.

* Peanuts baked in baked goods – kills most of the fungus. Peanuts are not wise to eat raw, peanut butter has been tested and different fungus strains have been found in peanut butter.

6) Barley contains the fungi Aspergillus ochraceus which produces the mycotoxin Ochratoxin A. This mycotoxin is associated with many different documented cancers.

* Barley that has been cooked in soups is fine. Cooking kills most of the fungus. Cold barley for salads is deadly. Refrigerating will cause the fungus to multiply even in soups.

7) Animal meat and poultry including beef, lamb, chicken, and turkey contain the fungi Aspergillus ochraceus which produces the mycotoxin Ochratoxin A. It is associated with many different documented cancers.

* You should only eat meat that has been throughly cooked so that there is not “pink” meat showing. Cooking kills most of the fungi and the body can deal with this small amount of up to 8 ounces daily of any meat. Actually, eating 8 ounces or less of any meat daily is more healthful for many reasons.

8) Alcohol including wine and especially beer contain the fungus Aspergillus ochraceus which produces the mycotoxin Ochratoxin A.

* Small amounts, 1 small glass a day is fine. The body can deal with small amount of the fungus. More than 2 small glasses of wine, beer, or alcohol daily can create toxins in the body that can cause serious health problems over time. It will also depress the immune system, causing more colds and illness.

9) Dairy products including milk, cheese, yogurt, cottage cheese, ice-cream, butter, etc. are fully colonized with fungi and contain the fungus Aspergillus ochraceus which produces the mycotoxin Ochratoxin A. These foods are also high in sugar which promotes the production of pleomorphic bacteria, yeast, and fungus.

* The least of these in fungus is 1% or 2% milk. Heating cheese to be used in macaroni kills most of the fungus. Cold cheese is loaded with the fungus, especially if it has been sitting for sometime. Cottage Cheese is loaded with the fungus. The immune system of the body can handle small amounts of 1% or 2% milk and heated cheese daily. Yogurt as long as it is made from “live” cultures is fine to eat. As a matter of fact, it is “good” bacteria that actually kills the “bad” bacteria such as yeast in the body. However, eating too much can also have negative effects. Up to 6 ounces a day is fine.
10) Eggs are fully colonized with fungus and contaminated with mycotoxins.

* Cooking them kills most of them. However, boiling eggs for salads is fine if used at one meal, however, refrigerated eggs or as in egg salad, the fungus begins to multiply again.

* As long as the grains are cooked it kills most of the fungus. Grains for spagettti or pasta are fine. Oatmeal that is cooked for cereals is fine. Oatmeal baked for cookies is fine as long as eaten within a few days. Cold grain cereals are not that good to eat because of the fungus and mycotoxins. You should never eat cold pasta salads.
12) Stored potatoes are fully colonized with fungus and contaminated with mycotoxins.

* Cooking potatoes kills most of the fungus/mycotoxins, however refrigerating will breed the fungus. Cold Potato salad that has been refrigerated is not healthy! Please note, storing does not mean purchasing them and storing them for use in a cool/dark place. Do not store them in a refrigerator. It may help them to last longer, however, the fungus will breed in colder temperatures to survive. However, the longer they are even stored in a cool/darl place like a kitchen cupboard, the more fungus will breed. It is when potatoes have been refrigerated after cooking that the fungus will begin to grow again. A baked potato is actually very healthy to eat, low in fat and the glycemic index. White potatoes have received a bad rap since most diets say stay away from “white foods.” Now if you pile up the butter and sour cream on a baed potatoe you are defeating the purpose. Sweet potatoes and yams are even better, but again, cook them, boiled or baked, but do not eat them raw or store them after cooking for this will begin the fungus breeding process.

13) Sugar including honey, maple syrup, corn syrup, high fructose corn syrup, sucrose, rice syrup, barley malt etc. promtote the growth of pleomorphic bacteris, yeast, fungus, and mold and suppress the immune system response up to five hours.

* Unless you use these in cooking or baking something which kills most of the fungus, it is not wise to use these as sweetners in drinks or drink products containing them. You should avoid all fruit juices containing corn syrup as the sweetener.

14) Vinegar or apple cider vinegar acidifies the blood and tissues which promotes the production of bacteria, yeast, fungus, and mold.

* However, if used in very small amounts, 2-3 teaspsoons on salads will kill any type of bacteria on the lettuce is not harmful and actually healthful to the body. Avoid using vinegar to flavor meats or soups. Using Italian dressing to marinate meat is not wise.

15) Yeast in any form including Brewers Yeast.

* Using the amounts needed in baking a loaf of bread is fine. The immune system can deal with small amounts. It is when you consume a number of foods daily that has yeast in it that can cause yeast infections and Candidisis Albicans.

16) Caffeine in any form acidifies the blood and tissues which promotes the production of pleomorphic baceast, fungus and mold.

* Small amounts of caffeine in tea or coffee is good for the body and the immune system can deal with this. When you drink more than 2 cups of coffee a day, you are exposing yourself to large amounts of the fungus.

17) High fructose fruits acidify the blood and tissues and feed the production of pleomorphic bacteria, yeast, fungus, and mold. For example, APPLE JUICE IS CONTAIMINATED WITH THE CARCINOGENIC MYCOTOXIN PATULIN WHICH IS DERIVED FROM THE FUNGUS AND IS ASSOCIATED WITH STOMACH CANCER.

* I strongly suggest not drinking apple juice. Even though juices are pasteurized, heated to kill bacteria and most fungus, apple juice has the highest capability of breeding more of the fungus as it sits on the shelf. Juices that contain the least amount of fungus after sitting is cranberry, ( very good for keeping urinary tract and kidneys infections down), papaya, white or red grape and pineapple. Orange juice is fine if freshly squeezed or fron a carton that has not been made from concentrate and drank within 1-2 days. Avoid juices made from concentrate.

18) Dried fish contains the Aspergillus fungus and the extracts from the dried fish contains large amounts of aflatoxin.

* Cooking kills most of the fungus. Eating raw fish such as in sushi is dangerous. There have been deaths caused from eating raw fish sush as in sushi. Never eat cold or refrigerated fish. Anchovies are loaded with the fungus as well as most canned fish meats. Tuna is fine because it has low fungus which the body can deal with in small amounts. Eating tuna packed in water is the best, however limit the amount to less than 4 ounces a day. Tuna and other types of fishes are known to carry mercury, PCB’s and other contaminants. Never eat farm raised fish like farm raised salmon or trout. Farm raised fish are loaded with bacteria due to the small areas they are raised in and are often fed hormones to make them grow faster.

19) Devitalized salt ( processed white store bought salt ) changes the negative charge on the blood cells causing them to stack or combine into symplasts which can lead to oxygen deprivation, congestion, poor circulation, stroke, and/or heart attack.

* Use natural sea salt that has had iodine added is the best. Actually sea salt does wonders for the body and is needed by the body. Recent studies show natural sea salt does not raise blood pressure like once thought it did.

Appendix: Zeolite

Zeolite is a naturally forming microporous, aluminosilicate mineral combination that is found in rock deposits around the world. Zeolite comes from the Greek word for ‘boiling stones’ as they emit steam when heated. Zeolites have a very strong affinity for pulling out toxic debris from water, clothing, and within the body. Zeolites are considered one of nature’s finest detoxifying elements.

Zeolites naturally form when fresh groundwater or sea water reacts with volcanic ash and takes anywhere from 50 to 10,000 years to complete formation. Synthetic zeolites can also be produced much faster and in a more uniform fashion. Zeolites are traditionally used in water filtration, refrigeration, construction, and aquariums.

Zeolites are unique groupings of minerals with a 4-sided honeycomb structure and a negative magnetic charge. This distinctive structure allows zeolite to have a strong osmotic gradient to capture positively charged heavy metals, environmental toxins, and free radicals. Zeolite has small cavities that contain these negatively charged compounds that strongly attract and capture toxins and free radicals.

Once zeolite captures toxins it then holds them with its magnetic energy until they are excreted out of the body through normal digestion. Approximately 60% of the excretion leaves through the urine and 40% through fecal matter.
Zeolites help remove heavy metals

Zeolites are effective at adsorbing heavy metals such as mercury, lead, aluminum, cadmium, and arsenic. These toxins are quickly accumulating in our bodies in the 21st century due to our overuse of chemicals in our food, household products, personal hygiene products, water, and medical treatments. These heavy metals are highly toxic and create massive free radical stress in the brain, liver, kidneys, and gut.

Zeolite has been shown to create an osmotic effect that helps pull these metals out of the tissue structure and into the zeolite matrix. It is a slow and steady process that should be applied daily. Continually dislodging and removing heavy metals is absolutely essential for optimal health.

Most antioxidants act by donating an electron to neutralize a free radical. However, zeolite neutralizes free radicals by trapping them in its complex structure which effectively inactivates and eliminates them. When meat is cooked at high temps and particularly when it is burned it produces dangerous heterocyclic amines and nitrosamines. These are highly carcinogenic free radicals.

Zeolite has been shown to be extremely effective at removing these free radicals from the body. Zeolites also trap microbes such as pathogenic bacteria, viruses, and yeasts into their matrix where they are eliminated through the bowels and urine. It also grabs hold of xenoestrogenic molecules from plastics, pesticides, and herbicides.

Zeolite is great to have as part of a water filtration system because it helps remove toxins and excess H+ that contribute to an acidic state. Acidic water can have inflammatory effects in the body while neutral or slightly alkaline water has been shown to have significant health benefits.
Zeolites has been shown to be 100% safe and non-toxic by the FDA. This unique mineral has no positively charged fibrous particulates that are non-carcinogenic. They are very similar to clay and activated charcoal in function however zeolite appears to have stronger anti-oxidant effects.
Appendix: Neti Pots

Use a Neti Pot
1 You can use tap water, bottled water or distilled water for your Neti pot recipe. If you use tap water, consider boiling it first to ensure that it is sterile. Place 8 oz. (1 cup) water in a clean Neti pot or nasal syringe.

2 Add 1/8 to 1/4 tsp. non-iodized salt to the water. Choose non-iodized salt over regular table salt because the latter includes additives that are not recommended in the Neti pot recipe. You can find non-iodized salt in most grocery stores. It is sometimes referred to as pickling salt. Some people also choose to use sea salt for this purpose.

3 Add 1/8 to 1/4 tsp. baking soda to your Neti pot solution. This ingredient adjusts the pH in your body and acts as a buffer for the salt water. Never substitute baking powder for baking soda, as baking powder will not provide the same function and could irritate the sinus cavities.

4 Mix the solution until the salt and baking soda are completely dissolved. If you make up more than one serving of your Neti pot solution, mix it each time before using to ensure that the sediment from the solid ingredients does not get into your sinus cavities. Keep your solution at room temperature until you are ready to use it. Some people find that heating the solution slightly in the microwave before using makes for a more comfortable nasal rinse. If you use the microwave to heat your Neti pot solution, shake it well before placing it in your Neti pot to prevent hot spots in the liquid; you only want to heat it to a slightly warm temperature.

5 Another option for a Neti pot recipe is to purchase packets of mixed solution that can simply be added to water. Packets are generally packaged in bulk and will provide instructions on how much water to add. Most will recommend using boiled or distilled water to the mix for best results. This method can be more convenient, but it also costs a bit more than a homemade Neti pot recipe.
Appendix: The complications of mold, mycotoxins and yeast

In summary when you feed your yeast colonies with sugar, they produce AH which combines with two key neurotransmitters and form an opiate that makes you feel good. However AH also damages the body. So it is not really good to feed your yeast colonies. Of course there is a solution to the yeast problem. Reality is the yeast are intelligent and cause your addiction to their a form of symbiotic relationship as explained on GAIA .me

The second major route of AH (Acetaldehyde) into the brain is through its production by a yeast called Candida albicans. Candida is known to occur in the intestinal tract of virtually all humans to some degree. When present only in small amounts, being kept in check by a healthy immune system and the so-called friendly flora, such as Acidophilus and Bifidus bacteria, Candida is relatively harmless. Yet due to the modern overuse of antibiotics, birth control pills, and cortisone/prednisone drug therapy, as well as excessive stress (which naturally produces excess cortisone in the body), sugar consumption and malnutrition, millions of Americans now suffer from an excessive growth of Candida in their intestines: the so-called yeast syndrome.

Candida lives by fermenting sugars to produce energy. Unfortunately for the humans who harbor large colonies of Candida in their gut, the waste by-product of this sugar fermentation by Candida is AH. Biochemical research has shown that this AH may combine with red blood cells, proteins, enzymes, and other substances present in the gut or gut lining, and thus travel through the bloodstream to reach more distant parts of the body such as the brain. Research has also shown that AH can then detach from the red blood cells or proteins it traveled with through the bloodstream, thus enabling AH to damage cells far from the site of its intestinal production by Candida.

For those suffering from the yeast syndrome, the ingestion of beer, wine, and liqueurs provides a double-barreled dose of AH. Not only is the alcohol in these beverages turned into AH, but the malt and grain in beer and the sugar in wine and liqueurs provide excellent fuel for Candida to produce the energy it needs to live. More AH is the inevitable by-product of the yeasts sugar fermentation

Acetaldehyde promotes addiction to toxic substances. Perhaps one of the most surprising ways AH may alter normal brain function is due to its tendency to combine in the brain with two key neurotransmitters, dopamine and serotonin. When AH and dopamine combine, they form a condensation product called salsolinol. When AH combines with serotonin, another product called beta-carboline is formed. Salsolinol and beta-carboline are two of a group of inter-related and interconvertible compounds called tetrahydro-isoquinolines. The various tetrahydroisoquinolines which both animal and human research have shown to occur at high levels in the brains, spinal fluids, and urine of chronic alcoholics are closely related in structure, function, and addictive power to opiates! Successfully detoxifying alcoholics have been shown to excrete especially high levels of these opiate-like chemicals in their urine. Thus, these AH-generated, opiate-like biochemicals may at least partly explain why alcoholics are so addicted to alcohol, cigarette smokers to cigarettes, and Candida-sufferers to sugar, since all three of these conditions promote chronic excessive body AH levels. And, like opiates, these tetrahydroisoquinoline biochemicals would tend to promote lethargy, mental cloudiness and fogginess, depression, apathy, inability to concentrate, etc. These, of course, are symptoms common to both alcoholism and Candidiasis, the two conditions which would tend to generate the highest chronic AH levels in the body. The difficulties discussed above that are caused by chronic AH toxicity should indicate to the reader that AH has a significant ability to compromise brain function. A partial summary of AHs damaging effects on brain function includes the following:

Impaired memory
Decreased ability to concentrate (brain fog)
Slowed reflexes
Lethargy and apathy
Heightened irritability
Decreased mental energy
Increased anxiety and panic reactions
Decreased sensory acuity
Increased tendency to alcohol, sugar, and cigarette addiction
Decreased sex drive
Increased PMS and breast swelling/tenderness in women.
How Nutrition Can Help
Fortunately, applied nutrition science offers some protection against chronic AH toxicity, even when it is not possible to completely avoid the four main offenders that promote AH in our bodies: alcohol, Candida, cigarettes, and heavy auto exhaust. Herbert Sprince, M.D. and his colleagues published many articles in the 1970s detailing the results of their experiments which used various nutrients to protect rats from AH poisoning. Sprince fed a control group of rats an amount of AH sufficient to kill 90% of the control group in 72 hours. The experimental group of rats given the same amount of AH were also given various nutrients, either singly or in combination, that might detoxify the AH. After 72 hours, the death rate for rats given large oral doses of Vitamin C was only 27% (vs 90% in controls), 20% for rats given the sulfur amino acid L-cysteine, 10% for rats receiving Vitamin B1, and an amazing 0% for rats protected by N-acetyl cysteine or lipoic acid. A lower dose combination of C, B1 and either L-Cysteine or N-acetyl cysteine also gave near 0% death rates! But, the nutrient doses Sprince administered were rather gigantic compared to RDA levels of nutrients, being equivalent to multi-gram doses for humans. Fortunately, however, most people are not subjected to such high levels of AH, so lower doses of these nutrients would doubtless provide significant AH-detoxifying power when used on a long-term basis.

John Cleary, M.D. has published papers summarizing many doctors and researchers successful use of niacin (Vitamin B3) and zinc in alcohol and AH detoxification. Since the enzymes that break down alcohol and AH are both B3 and zinc-activated, this provides an obvious rationale for their protective use in chronic alcohol/AH toxicity situations. Finally, because chronic high tissue levels of AH impair the normal process of recycling the active form of B3 (NAD) for continual re-use, it is obvious why normal dietary levels of B3 might be insufficient to provide optimal brain B3 levels in chronic AH toxicity situations.

Read: Acetaldehyde – A Common and Potent Neurotoxin How to prevent the damaging effects of smoking, alcohol consumption, and air pollution.


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