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Biological Attraction Part 1 – How Hormones Attract A Perfect Mate

I never thought of a dentist as a Love Doctor, until I read the book, Who Makes Your Hormones Hum? It was written by Dr. Hal A. Huggins, a dentist, immunologist and leading pioneer in identifying toxic dental materials, reversing autoimmune diseases and helping us choose the perfect mate who makes your hormones hum, if you want love to last.

Dr. Hal reveals hormonal secrets of great sex, health and happiness in highlights of our radio interview for A Lasting Love.

Hadley: Your book explains why men and women are attracted to some people and repelled by others. Tell us why we should choose a mate who makes our hormones hum.

Dr. Hal: Because you’ll enjoy a long, happy relationship if you do that. If you don’t, you’ll be at each others’ throats.

Hadley: That’s a scary prospect. Your book warns against marrying the wrong hormonal type, because you’d be doomed to either kill the other or get a terminal disease so you die to get out of the relationship. So we’ve got incentive to choose the best match. How do we start the process?

Dr. Hal: It’s something that’s built into you. Your body reacts strongly to some people and has no interest in others, based on hormones. My book, Who Makes Your Hormones Hum?, was an accidental side effect of my work in balancing hormones and blood chemistry to give you freedom from dental decay and gum disease.

I observed the purpose of a male and female coming together is to find a partner who has the opposite strengths and weaknesses from yours, so that your offspring has better health and emotional stability than either parent.

Hadley: I’ve read that love at first sight actually is your DNA saying that you’d have all the immune bases covered to create healthy babies and a happy love life.

Dr. Hal: I have a DNA laboratory, and I’d say you can’t find this with DNA but with your hormones. If you are hyper-thyroid, you’d be attracted to a mate who is hypo-thyroid, so you balance thyroid activity in your children. And that’s a good match.

The strongest match is estrogen and testosterone, which each are produced by men and women in different amounts, men with more testosterone and women with more estrogen.

If you find someone who is opposite you in posterior pituitary, anterior pituitary, pancreas, thyroid, then you’ve just selected your mate as if you didn’t have a choice. You just know that you’re meant to be with someone, when you meet your opposite hormonal match. These mates may get irritated over opposite minor preferences in daily life, but no one can pull apart this great hormonal match.

If you find someone with a hormonal mismatch, you’ll be repelled or have no interest in them. This is mother nature saying that if you two get together to have children, they’d be abnormal, die before age six, or have developmental defects. It’s because two hyper thyroids together give you a super hyper thyroid, which gives you an abnormal, unhealthy child.

Hadley: Let’s help singles choose a great mate. You recommend we do a pre-marriage prediction to determine if a potential partner will create healthy babies and a harmonious love life. How do we start?

Find out in part 2 highlights of my radio conversation with Dr. Hal A. Huggins.

Get all the happy, sexy love you desire,

Hadley Finch

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