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Change Your Life In Two Weeks Part One — Use Your Road Map To Prosperity

Financial pressures can strain your relationships. Would you be more in the mood for love if you could manifest unexpected income, unexpected business and unexpected solutions to your most pressing problems–in just two weeks or less? Turn around your life that quickly when you use this road map to joyful prosperity.

Researchers tell us that it only takes two weeks to create a new neural pathway in your brain by taking new, consistent actions. Thousands of people have done this using simple techniques which are explained by prosperity expert, Marilyn Jenett. She created the success program, Feel Free To Prosper: Two Weeks to Unexpected Income With The Simplest Prosperity Laws Available.

You’ll get simple tools to make major shifts in your life in this summary of my radio interview with Marilyn Jenett.

You can change your mind to change your life, so it’s important to know how your mind works to simplify the process.

The subconscious mind is like a powerful computer that controls us and keeps us healthy. The subconscious wasn’t designed to take in the faulty thinking we’ve been programed to think since childhood. Unlike the computer, we can’t delete faulty thoughts from our subconscious. Instead, we can create a new mindset. How?

We create a new mindset by creating a new dominant thought. Let’s say you’re stuck in thoughts of lack and loss. How do you change your dominant thought?

You use techniques to gently coax the subconscious mind to accept a new idea. Using positive affirmations too soon can create resistance in your mind which doesn’t believe the positives right away.

The subconscious mind doesn’t want to change. It’s supposed to be static and keep the status quo no matter what. That’s why it’s difficult to break a habit.

So how do you change your mind?

Marilyn offered this analogy: Think of the conscious mind as the male, the husband, the assertive aspect of mind. The subconscious mind is the female, the wife, the passive, receptive aspect of mind. (This is a mind metaphor, not a commentary on male-female roles in life or relationships.)

The conscious mind-husband knows what it wants and makes the decisions. It’s up to the husband to plant that new seed thought, that new idea, into the subconscious, into the wife.

When the conscious mind impregnates the subconscious with that new idea, then children are born. Those children are your answered prayers, your goals fulfilled.

So now we have to teach the husband-conscious mind how to impregnate the wife-subconscious mind using seed thoughts to gently coax the subconscious to accept the new desire we have and create a new dominant thought.

In Part Two, you will discover the simple step you can take right now to change your dominant thought quickly and permanently. And you can get more prosperity guidance from Marilyn Jenett, including a free ebook and newsletter, when you visit feelfreetoprosper.com

Get all the happy, sexy love and prosperity you desire,

Hadley Finch

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