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Dating Q & A – Are You Too Busy To Meet Your Love Match?


As I’m launching my new online business, I’d be thrilled to only work half days –12 hours. I’m also managing a big home until it sells in a down market since my divorce. I used to complain that my mate was too busy for our marriage. This led to our break up.

Now that my only relationships are with my computer and my online tech team, I realize I’m also too busy to for a real relationship. I’d still like to meet the next great love of my life, and enjoy some hot monogamy again. How do I meet my match? If I am–

Too busy to date


Many married couples also work day and night and feel too busy to date their mate. So singles and couples may need a reminder to make time and save energy for love.

If you really want to meet your great love match, you will make time to date. It only takes a lunch hour to meet singles through matchmaking services like It’s Just Lunch. Or you can take a coffee break to meet singles in a video chat on dating site or in a coffee shop if you meet face to face.

If your waking hours are spent meeting duties and deadlines, this may be your excuse to postpone intimacy and a possibility of another break up. Consider this wise advice.

“Do not wait to love.” That advice was given to Nicole Kidman in the musical, “Moulin Rouge.”

So why not break away from your duties an hour each day and go out there and see if you can bump into someone special in town, or on an internet dating site.

Search near and far. Older and younger. Don’t let geography, chronology or responsibilities stop you from meeting your next great love match. And if you continue to make time for love in your day, you eventually will meet your match for a great relationship. There are millions of great singles seeking love, just like you are, and it only takes one meeting to transform your love life.

And I invite you to meet positive, successful singles in our holistic dating and travel site. No more blind dates, since you meet first in video chats or in dream travel at dream prices to the most romantic spots on earth. Meet awesome singles now. Click SINGLES CLUB in the menu bar and sign up. Enjoy!

Love deeply and live your dreams now,

Hadley Finch

About Hadley Finch

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