Home / A Course In Dating Miracles / Dating Sabotage – Playing The Blame Game

Dating Sabotage – Playing The Blame Game

There are big risks and zero rewards in blaming your romantic partner for troubles in your dating relationship. Psychoanalysts say that blame emasculates a man and prevents him from operating from his best state whenever a woman holds him responsible for the issues in their relationship. Blame is self defeating, because it will not inspire a man to make the changes she wants him to make.

Many men have a habit of blaming a woman because he’s not as happy as he wants to be. Many mid-life men leave their wives, saying they can’t make them happy anymore.

Guess what? They’re right. Nobody else can make you happy. That’s an inside job.

What’s an antidote to the blame game?

Emotional independence is the secret that helps you find the place within yourself to create your own happiness and your own sense of well being, that’s not dependent on outer circumstances. Then you are not expecting your date or mate to make you happy.

I’d like to suggest a new motto for men and women alike: I am responsible for my own happiness.

What are the best ways to boost your happiness levels?

Reviving your dreams and taking action on them everyday revs up your happiness, your strengths and your sex appeal. Falling in love again with yourself and all the wonders of you attracts the love you desire like a love magnet.

How do you choose a more compatible love match?

Make sure you’ve taken time to reflect on what went wrong from the previous relationship, so you can learn those love lessons and let them go. Then you don’t have to repeat them again and again in future relationships.

Instead of demanding that your partner love you in a certain way, it is better to demonstrate how you love yourself in that certain way. Your healthy self love attracts someone with the same quality like a love magnet.

Being responsible for your own happiness frees you to bring happiness to a romantic partner. Everyone wants to be around a happy person.

Want to cure a happiness deficiency with my help? Join me for three action-packed days of a coaching and spa weekend at award-winning Heartland Spa near Chicago. I help you heal old heartbreak and get all the happiness you deserve, while you enjoy the Heartland Spa’s superb meals, fitness classes, nature hikes and luxurious spa treatments. Reserve your spot in our next all-inclusive happiness coaching and spa weekend.

Suffering through a painful breakup? Make a speedy recovery when you use the proven secrets I’d used to heal my broken heart after my happy marriage ended tragically. Save thousands in therapy. Read 911 Breakup Survival on Nook and Kindle for $7.

Get all the love and happiness you deserve,

Hadley Finch

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About Hadley Finch

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