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Feel Happy, Sexy Love For The Holidays–15 Tips

Got the holiday spirit? Or are you feeling year-end stress of meeting annual goals, gathering with family and friends, over-indulging on holiday treats, over-spending on gifts, grieving the death of a loved one or a dream, planning a fresh start in the new year?

What if you could feel the holiday spirit while you handle year-end pressures? Good news. Here are 15 tips to give yourself the gift of happy sexy love for the holidays without increasing year end anxiety and stress:

Tip 1. Be loving to yourself first, because you can’t be loving to others until you are loving to yourself by being your own best friend by using the next tips.

Tip 2. Be hydrated by choosing a drink of pure water instead of another spiked eggnog or alcoholic drink that must be detoxed by your liver.

Tip 3. Be nourished by choosing lean protein, fresh veggies and fruits instead of sugar treats and grains that drain your energy and enthusiasm.

Tip 4. Be well rested by choosing to sleep 5-7 hours each night, even if it means leaving a holiday party early to catch the wave into deep sleep.

Tip 5. Be energized by moving your body 3 or more hours each week, by taking walks in nature, by taking the stairs instead of elevators, by using a standing desk which builds lower body strength as you work instead of shaving years off your life by sitting too long each day (NASA’s warning, proven by studies)

Tip 6. Be present in each moment to experience peaceful joy in the now, instead of feeling depressed by living in the past or feeling anxious by living in the future. (Lau Tzu’s advice is timely today)

Tip 7. Be good at forgiveness–the gift you give yourself not the person or situation that caused you stress or harm–instead of blaming or holding a grudge that steals your joyful sex appeal and even shortens your life.

Tip 8. Be resilient, rising from each fall, bouncing back from each setback, feeling pleased by how you chose to bend instead of break.

Tip 9. Be optimistic, being aware of your critical inner voice that finds all the reasons why you can’t do something, and moving forward anyway by taking positive actions to bring out your best and live your dreams each day.

Tip 10. Be an active listener, hearing with all of your senses what you truly need to be happy, sexy love and what your loved ones may need from you.

Tip 11. Be stress-free by consciously releasing negative news and clearing clutter from your brain and body by taking daily time outs for deep breathing, power naps, guided relaxation audios, soaking away troubles in a hot bath, letting angst pass through you instead of getting stuck in your body.

Tip 12. Be selective with people you allow into your inner circle, spending less time with negative energy drainers and more time with people who energize and inspire you as you do for them.

Tip 13. Be true to your budget and live within your means by giving gifts of your time and attention to create holiday experiences that you and your loved ones will cherish for a lifetime.

Tip 14. Be generous with loving kindness and be thankful to receive loving kindness that may not come from the same source as the love you’ve given away.

Tip 15. Be thankful for the gift of your body, your healing miracle maker that protects you from illness, rebuilds after illness or injury, and softens after heartbreak so you transform your heart armor for amore and get all the happy, sexy love you desire for the holidays and every day of the new year.

Sending holiday love,

Hadley Finch

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About Hadley Finch

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