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Find Love, End Infidelity With Hypnosis

You’re about to discover a coveted secret weapon that breaks through barriers between you and the great love, success and happiness you deserve.

How do you get this secret weapon?

Good news. You already have it. It’s the power of your own mind. Previously, you discovered how to use this power to heal serious illness and injuries through hypnosis. Now discover if the power of your own mind can attract love or make someone love you after infidelity in highlights of my radio conversation for A Lasting Love with Cheryl J. Savage,

Hadley: Dating singles who want to find love will like the answer to this question: Can you hypnotize someone to love you?

Cheryl: You can be hypnotized for anything, if you want it. Hypnosis is not a truth serum. It’s not magic. It simply guides the mind to go where you want it to go. So I can’t hypnotize someone to do anything, unless they want to do it. You can’t be hypnotized to stop smoking, unless you want that. I can’t hypnotize someone to love someone, unless it comes from their heart.

I bet you’ve heard someone who comes out of a bad relationship and they say, “I’ll never get married again.” I compare that to driving down the road while looking out your rear view mirror. It’s time to take down that rear-view mirror and start looking ahead. Attitude is everything. Whether you think you’ll find someone wonderful, whether you think you’re attractive, whether you think you can or can’t, you’re right.

Hadley: Because your thoughts create your reality. “What you think about, you bring about,” I often tell my community. So it’s important to choose the right thoughts.

Margaret Thatcher once said that you may have to fight a battle many times to win it. How does mind power help you win your ongoing battles to lose weight or end an addiction? From your previous answer, we understand that you have to want something before you can use the power of hypnosis to help you get it.

Cheryl: The mind is incredibly powerful, but if someone doesn’t want to stop an addiction to alcohol, cigarettes, overeating, they won’t, even if they use hypnosis. If someone loves their cigarettes, or they love drinking or over-eating and yet they want to quit, then hypnosis will help them.

As long as they have the desire to stop eating so much and lose the weight, or to stop drinking so much or stop smoking, then hypnosis really works.

Again, you must really want whatever it is you’re going to be hypnotized for.

So you can’t hypnotize someone to love you, if they don’t want to love you. If you can convince them there’s a reason they should love you, then hypnosis can help.

Hadley: What if your spouse is falling in love with someone new, yet they’re conflicted about breaking up the marriage and the family? Can hypnosis break the spell of those brain chemicals that bond you to a new lover, so you want to go back to your mate?

Cheryl: Hypnosis could do that, but only if you want that result.

Hadley: In how many sessions of hypnosis?

Cheryl: One session, plus listening to my hypnosis audio that reinforces it. Listen to your audio once a day for 28 days to permanently change your behavior for a lifetime.

Hadley: And Cheryl invites you to download gifts of two of her guided audios, Achieving Perfect and Radiant Health Through Hypnosis and General Healing, which she had used to heal her shattered arm in only 12 days after she fell out of a tree. To claim your gift audios or to schedule a hypnosis session with Cheryl, click here.

And find out which secret weapons I’d used to heal the trauma over lost love after my marriage ended tragically in my new book, 911 Breakup Survival – How To Get Over A Breakup And Love Again, Like It’s The First Time.

In the next three hours, you’ll stop suffering from lost love and start creating the life you love, no matter who is or isn’t sleeping next to you. So get your book now. Transform your love life in the next 3 hours.

Get all the love and happiness you deserve,

Hadley Finch

About Hadley Finch

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