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Secret Of Happy Relationships – What’s The Best Branding Strategy for Singles And Couples?

Branding is a new buzz word. Like it or not, you are being branded at work and in every relationship. So it’s important to take control of your brand before someone else does. I interviewed a branding expert to find out how singles and couples can develop your best personal brand for greater success, health and happiness.

Dr. Fern Kazlow “Dr. K” is the only branding expert who also is a psychotherapist, author and pioneer of holistic healing since the 1980s. Discover her best branding tips for individuals and couples in highlights of my interview with Dr. Fran for A Lasting Love radio show:

What is branding?

It’s the point of connection between you and the people you reach in your life. It is the promise of what you offer to others in a relationship and then communicating it. Branding is not only the color and type of clothes you wear, but also where you go, what you say and what you promise and contribute.

How do you find your best personal brand?

You have to ask yourself who you are and what you want in life and in each relationship. Be honest about your goals, your dreams, your values and what you stand for.

It’s not about judgment of what others think is a good brand. It’s about being authentic about what works for you as an individual, as a couple, and as a family.

If you are in a relationship, it is wise to ask yourselves the same questions to find out what works best for each of you. As you create your couple identity or branding, it is important to continue supporting your personal identity, growth and brand or your relationship will be in trouble as will every aspect of your life.

Is your personal brand the same in your relationships with friends, family and at work?

Think of your brand as an umbrella that has different angles of support. You may fulfill different roles in each relationship. You may share different parts of yourself with different people and situations.

Your best brand allows for these dynamic changes and leaves room for growth while the core values of you and your brand stay the same. Good branding allows us to shift and grow through the decades.

What are common branding mistakes to avoid?

Choosing a static brand that doesn’t shift with situations or grow as you do is a big mistake. It’s like men or women in their 50s who still dress and act like a 20 year old. Today 20’s and 50s may not look that different, yet the way you carry yourself and the values you embrace have changed and grown with your life experience.

Most branding mistakes result from a failure to self examine and tell yourself the truth. You might brand by what people think you should be, rather than branding by who and what you are.

Promising more than you can deliver is another common mistake. In dating, you may promote yourself as a hot party date when you truly like to go to bed early every night or only have sex once a week in a relationship. That’s a big branding blunder.

What is a better branding choice?

Don’t date a mountain climber if you’re afraid of heights. Don’t choose a match who wants friends over day and night when you like solitude and privacy. Don’t come off as easy going and let things slide that really bother you.

The goal is to be who you are so you attract a good fit for you. And as couple, always present who you are as a team.

Since most singles and couples are in the working world, is branding different for entrepreneurs or employees?

Branding always starts with you and your vision of who you are and what you want in your relationships in business and in your personal life. Know the problem that you are the solution to and how you will express this. Your branding is a beacon that attracts people to you to fulfill the promise in the connection you make.

At what age should you create your personal brand?

Dr. K advises college students and even high schoolers to choose your brand now. Branding affects your circle of influence, the friends you make, the colleges you get into.

Every post you write in social media creates your brand. Your private posts can be hacked and revealed to the world, and it’s out there forever. So consider each post you write and each photo of yourself as a public post for the world to see.

What will bring out the best in you and in others is a good point of connection for building your best brand.

Are men or women more susceptible to branding mistakes?

Everyone makes branding mistakes. Yet women are more used to being told who they are or should be in school, at work and in their personal life. So women tend to make branding mistakes based on others expectations for them versus their own.

Women tend to be a pretzel, changing shape to be everything to everyone else. This makes women great multi-taskers. Yet when people are used to you doing everything for them, then you need to learn to set new boundaries by saying, NO.

How do you start saying NO without harming your relationships?

With inner calm and grace, you sit down with someone and say, “I realize you’re not getting the best of me. I’m not getting the best of me and I’d like to change that.” With grace you get people involved in the solution.

Are their health risks of using the wrong personal brand?

It hurts your heart when you’re not who you truly are. In time, this escalates anger, frustration, fear and stress that are proven to harm your health.

Showing the world the truth of who you are is the key to your best branding and to your life working in every aspect–promoting greater health, success and happiness in all of your relationships.

Your Relationship Success Journal

Will you choose your best brand for you and for your relationship? If so, list this success tool in your journal now.

Remember to note your progress each time you develop your authentic personal brand and your brand as a couple to promote greater health, success love and happiness in your life and relationships.

Get all the happy, sexy love you desire,

Hadley Finch

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About Hadley Finch

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