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Solve Romeo’s Dilemma To Find Love Online. Book Review.

Solve Romeo's Dilemma.  Book Review. FindLoveForNewYearsEve.com
Solve Romeo’s Dilemma. Book Review. FindLoveForNewYearsEve.com

How to avoid online dating minefields and navigate the rocky road to true love. Dating advice columnist, John P. Gavin, writes about the rewards and risks in online dating inspired by his own experiences, just like my adventures in seeking love online had inspired my novel with songs, Tribe Of Blondes 2008.

We each reveal love lessons learned by trial and error while learning how to date after a long marriage ended when a spouse left home. John’s ex wife moved with their children, so he didn’t experience challenges in dating while being the sole custodial parent of young children like I did.

John gives women an unvarnished portrait of lies he told to hook a woman’s affection before he grew out of his player phase of dating.

He reports on rampant lying about age to get included in online dating searches. I deleted the need to lie about age when I designed SinglesLoveMatches.com because you don’t list your age; you do choose an age range of your desired match and that’s the age range where your dating profile also appears.

John complains that women posted very old photos so he didn’t recognize many women when they met face-to-face. I’d traveled 10,000 miles to meet a match who’d posted a photo so old I thought his father showed up to meet me. I deleted that risk in my site, by offering live video chats which let two matches get to know and like each other as they are today, not in some outdated photo.

John reveals how men (and women) can sabotage a perfectly good relationship without even knowing it. What’s the wake up call to change that?

Meeting someone you don’t want to lose. John met his true love match online and rescued trust more than once while clinging to his player ways. He reluctantly realizes that his life is better with the right woman in it, instead of always looking for the next woman. That’s one way to solve Romeo’s Dilemma.

This happy, Hollywood ending is inspired by John’s real-life love story which may help single men and women find love online and offline. Again, John and I also share that goal, which can become a great adventure with the right guidance you get from each of us.

Hadley Finch,

Get TribeOfBlondes audiobook FREE with audible trial. Click here.
Get TribeOfBlondes audiobook FREE with audible trial. Click here.
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Find Love In 12 weeks guided by top experts. 3 Videos get you started now. FindLoveForNewYearsEve.com
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About Hadley Finch

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