Home / A Course In Dating Miracles / Success Principles for Greater Happiness and Love Part 1- Concentrate on Circle of Desire

Success Principles for Greater Happiness and Love Part 1- Concentrate on Circle of Desire

What’s stopping you from getting all the love, happiness and success you desire? Why do you work so hard without producing the results you want? How do you stop procrastinating and start living the life you imagined?

To find out, you may have to give up your excuses and replace strategies that don’t work with a proven blueprint for success. You will build the life and love life of your dreams using timeless principles used by successful men and women throughout history to realize their dreams.

You will jump start your journey to greater health, happiness and love when you use the road map of top success principles, as explained in this summary of my radio interview with Dr. Laurel Fuller Clark. She’s president of the School of Metaphysics, a teacher and author who applies universal laws to help you love deeply, be even more successful and live your dreams now.

Many of us know where we want to go, but we don’t know how to get there from where we are right now. How can we use metaphysics to realize our goals and dreams?

Metaphysics explains universal laws about what exists beyond the physical universe. You can apply the laws of the mind and creation to achieve your goals.


First, develop your power of concentration, because what you focus on grows. To make sure you are focused on the right things, you can create a Desire Graph:

Draw a circle and divide it up like pie wedges and list what is most important to you inside each wedge.

If having a loving relationship is most important, then list that in a big wedge in your desire circle. If having finding a new job is next in importance, then list it in a slightly smaller slice of the circle. If having the freedom to travel is important but not a top priority, you would list it in a smaller wedge in your circle.

Once you decide what’s most important to you, then divide up your desire circle into slices that measure the importance of each goal. Now look at your desire graph and compare it with how you focus you time, energy, thoughts and actions on each priority.

If having a relationship is your top priority, yet you only spend a little time each week in finding love or nurturing love in your relationship, then you need to change focus. Concentrate more of your thoughts and actions on fulfilling your primary goal to produce the results you desire.

If finding a job is 2nd most important desire yet you aren’t exploring job opportunities every day, then you simply change your daily focus, your thoughts and actions to network and apply for jobs and change your results.

Another proven success principle is having a primary ideal, like building great relationships and bringing out the best in yourself and others. Then focus your daily activities on fulfilling it. Choosing a life partner with common ideals and fulfilling them as a team is a great way to bond you in a loving relationship for a lifetime.

In Part 2 of our series, you will discover the success principle that is the greatest act of love.

Get all the happy, sexy love you desire,

Hadley Finch

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About Hadley Finch

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