Home / A Course In Dating Miracles / The Flirting Bible Part 1 – Why Couples And Singles Should Flirt Everyday

The Flirting Bible Part 1 – Why Couples And Singles Should Flirt Everyday

You can cure a fun deficiency in a relationship or in your search for your love match by using the Art Of Woo—also known as flirting. It’s an essential love skill to add to your dating and relationship tool kit today. Why?

Couples can flirt with each other to keep the fun and romance alive. Singles can flirt to start a conversation and find out if there’s mutual interest in getting to know each other.

When you flirt, you’re really asking someone, “Do you want to play?” And a playful, fun-loving spirit is an irresistible love magnet, whether you’re seeking a love match or keeping love alive in a relationship.

Get ready to activate your love magnet and find out why you should flirt everyday in Part 1 of my summary of my radio interview with Fran Greene, a former director of flirting for match.com and author of The Flirting Bible.

Flirting finds love, keeps love alive. Hadley Finch Interviews Fran Greene TheFlirtingBible.com
Flirting finds love, keeps love alive. Hadley Finch Interviews Fran Greene TheFlirtingBible.com

Hadley: Is there a difference between flirting and seduction?

Fran: Seduction is coming onto someone sexually. Flirting is making another person feel comfortable in your presence.

Hadley: Why should we flirt every day?

Fran: You feel exhilarated. It boosts your ego and gets you noticed. It brings new people into your life and makes you more attractive and memorable. It’s the perfect ice breaker, and it increases your chances of getting the date you want.

Hadley: What if you’re afraid to flirt because you don’t know what to say or who makes the first move or how to flirt back?

Fran: Attitude is everything in flirting. You have to be confident to take the risk and flirt. If you lack confidence, you simply fake it until you make it. Let go of your inhibitions and take the flirting leap. One out of three people may not respond to your flirting.

Hadley: If you get rejected, realize that every NO gets you closer to a YES. Since you never know when you’ll make that special connection, you have to make it a new habit to flirt every day.

Some people think of flirts as a tease. How do you flirt without leading someone on unfairly in the dating game or in the office?

Fran: Flirting has to be genuine, sincere and honest. It’s not about a power play nor a manipulation nor coming on to someone. It’s not about me being the center of the universe. It’s about me making you feel that you are the most important person on the planet.

Hadley: What a lovely world this would be if we all flirted as a fun way to make people feel special everyday.

How does flirting spark chemistry in a relationship?

Get the answer in Part 2 of our flirting series and–

Get all the happy, sexy love you desire,

Hadley Finch

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