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3 Step Success Formula Revives Passionate Intimacy

Couples Sustain Romance in 3 steps
Couples Sustain Romance in 3 steps

Don’t settle for a dull, frustrating relationship. Rekindle happy sexy love that lasts using a proven success formula:
Desire + Resources + Permission = Action

In Highlights of Hadley Finch’s radio interview with success coach, Wendy Lipton-Dibner, they apply these 3 steps to revitalize passion in relationships.

Hadley: A common complaint I hear from men and women alike is that their sex life
has grown dull or nonexistent in a long-term relationship.

How does this 3-step success formula help couples revive passion and deepen
sexual intimacy?

Wendy: First, you’ll go through this 3-step formula as individuals.

This insures that you don’t lose yourself when you become part of a couple,
because that’s when you lose your passion.

Next, go through the 3-step formula again as a couple:

* Find out what you each want in your relationship (desire).
* Talk specifically about what has to happen to get your relationship where you want it to be (resources).
* Discuss what needs to be said or done or what rules need to be changed to help you improve your relationship (permission).
* Take those actions to fulfill your goals together (= action).

Hadley: Why else should couples take these steps together?

Wendy: Exploring the things you want and dream about in your life and finding rules that are holding you back, just talking about this develops a profound intimacy that brings you closer as a couple.

Hadley: How do you fast-track your success in life, at work and in relationships?

Wendy: Always analyze your action formula first:

* Look at your desire, resources and permission.
* Ask yourself what you are missing in any part of the formula.
* Once you identify what’s missing, then you can fix it and take actions to get your goal rapidly.

Hadley: I have a success tip for dating singles and committed couples who want to love deeply and live your dreams now.

Make a firm decision that you will never again settle for anything less than
what you truly want in life and love.

Once you make that decision, then follow this 3-step success formula:
Desire + Resources + Permission = Action

Keep doing what works. Stop doing what doesn’t. Then notice how quickly things begin to fall into place.

I also encourage you to teach this success formula to your children, so they get a
head start on finding and living their dreams and creating better relationships with everyone in their life.

Couples find bliss in gift premiere issue of Happy Sexy Love APP on iTunes and Google Play App stores.
Couples find bliss in gift premiere issue of Happy Sexy Love APP on iTunes and Google Play App stores.
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Get audiobook FREE with audible trial http://happysexyloveinromanticrelationships.com

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About Hadley Finch

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