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Love Miracle Minute – How Singles Connect With Your Future Soulmate Now

This Guest Post guides you to play with your imagination to envision your great love now:

By Arielle Ford

When my nephew Beau was a little boy (he’s now 16!) he would often announceto those around him that he was “busy playing with his imagination.” This was his way of telling us not to disturb him. We can all learn something from Beau: playing with your imagination is a powerful way to activate the Law of Attraction. Here’s a fun way to bring some new juice to your soulmate manifestation process:

Take 15 minutes and find a place where you can be completely undisturbed. Find a comfortable place to sit and close your eyes.

Breathe deeply and slowly for a minute or two. Let your shoulders drop, let the tension in your body drift away and then thank yourself for taking this time to have a little fun.

I want you to use your imagination to go into the future.

First pick a year and a season for instance you could use Winter 2012 or whatever time frame comes to you.

Now imagine that it is a Saturday morning. You are asleep but you can observe yourself.

What do the sheets look like? What are you wearing? What time of morning is it?

You are about to wake up (Don’t open your eyes yet) but you know that your soulmate is sleeping next to you with his or her back toward you.

Allow yourself to simply feel the presence of another in the bed with you.

What are you feeling? Where in your body are you feeling it?

Savor these feelings as you continue to breathe slowly.

Your soulmate is sound asleep, but you are beginning to wake up.

Now, with your imagination, begin to remember the plans the two of you have for the weekend. You can’t see the face of your beloved, simply use your imagination to remember one of the events for the weekend that you are looking forward to.

As you see this event, give it details. What will you be wearing? Where will you two be going? What is the weather like? What will be the most memorable part of the event?

This can be any part of the weekend ­ from breakfast in bed, to lunch on the patio, to a walk on the beach, a hike in the woods, a bike ride, grocery shopping, painting the spare room. Whatever event your imagination serves up to you is just perfect.

As you are observing you & your beloved (you can either see the back of their head of feel them behind you but no need to try and see their face) in this event, pick out three details to remember: maybe a color of something around you, a scent in the air, and most importantly an enjoyable feeling. Now notice where in your body that feeling is located and take a moment to spread that feeling throughout your body. Continue to breathe deeply and slowly and see yourself in this event closing your eyes.

It’s now time to come back to the present moment.

Feel your body sitting in the chair, feel your feet on the ground.

Notice the temperature of the room.

And when you are ready, open your eyes.

You have played with your imagination to reach into your future. The important thing to take away from this exercise is the feelings you experienced. You can tap into them at any time as a reminder that your soulmate exists.

And if you’d like me to help you manifest your Soulmate, then I invite you to check out our Soulmate Kit now:

Wishing you love, laughter & magical kisses,

Arielle Ford

About Hadley Finch

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