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Change Your Life in Two Weeks Part 3–Get Unstuck, Out Of Debt And Prosper Now

In Part 1 of my interview with Prosperity Expert, Marilyn Jennet, you coaxed your conscious and subconscious mind to forego thoughts of loss and lack and create a new dominant thought of prosperity.

In Part Two you took one simple step to gain unexpected income and unexpected solutions to your most pressing problems.

Now you’ll learn how to get unstuck, get out of debt and get in the mood for love now.

What if you’re still stuck in thoughts and feelings of lack? How do you break through this barrier to prosperity and success?

The ultimate goal of learning self improvement and prosperity laws is to create an alignment with our inner source of intelligence, which knows how to guide you and bring all the elements together and find the perfect mate or the best career path.

So we use these gentle techniques to clear the pathway to the universal parent inside of us who is our wise guide to prosperity, success and love.

What role does giving and receiving play in activating the law of prosperity.

Some of us are good givers yet we have a hard time receiving. We need to get good at giving and receiving to sustain prosperity.

How can the prosperity mindset get us out of debt?

First, you don’t focus on your debts. If you put 100 percent of your focus on plenty of money coming in, then that’s what happens–when you know you are connected to the greatest power in the universe to fulfill your needs.

You will use a daily affirmation like, “I have plenty of money to meet all of my needs. My wants and needs are fulfilled now.”

Remember your mindset controls your circumstances, not the economy. Instead of listening to the bad news media every day, change the channel. Find out how these laws work and apply them to change your life.

How does the Law of Reversed Effort keep you stuck for years?

That law says that the harder you try to do something the less chance you have of achieving it. Because to the subconscious mind, trying implies a lack mentality.

It took a blockbuster movie, Star Wars, to bring that law to light. As Yoda said, “We do. There is no try.”

The concept of trying is really telling your mind that it may not happen or that we don’t have it. This is working against the natural law which is the mind’s consciousness of now.

Your mind only creates an existing reality in what is happening now. Every moment is always now, so there is no past nor future in the subconscious mind.

What’s your final tip to help us move from where we are now to where we want to be?

The trouble with most people is they have no invisible means of support. So connect with your invisible inner source, using any tools you can to do so. Know that you are connected to the greatest power in the universe to fulfill your needs. You simply tap into your infinite power to change your life and fulfill your dreams.

Do you advise people to tell their dreams and goals to the world? Or is silence golden on that?

Heed the slogan from the first World War: Loose lips sink ships. This means we should not dissipate our energy by announcing our goals and dreams to the world until after the contracts are signed, sealed and delivered. When you tell people about a mission accomplished, then together you can celebrate your success and joyful prosperity.

And if you’d like prosperity guidance from Marilyn Jenett, including a free ebook, contact her at feelfreetoprosper.com
Get all the happy, sexy love and prosperity you desire,

Hadley Finch

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