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Priceless Holiday Gifts That Don't Cost A Dime

Would you like to give holiday gifts that come from your heart? Happiness researchers tells us it isn’t the cost of a gift that creates the desired “Wow” experience, but the quality of love behind it.

When you give love, it comes right back to you so it’s a double Wow gift. You won’t have to get out your charge card nor wrap these precious gifts of love for the holidays, Valentine’s Day or to make any day feel special:

The Gift of Listening is the greatest act of love when you listen from your heart with all of your senses focused on someone. If you talk talk talk more than listen, I guarantee your friends and family will cherish the chance to have you to listen to their wants, needs, thoughts and feelings. Listening tells someone without words, “I see you. I hear you. I understand you.” And they feel loved.

Listening to your quiet inner voice and acting on its guidance is a great gift of love you give yourself.

The Gift of Gratitude is your chance to say thank you to everyone in your life. Express your thanks and appreciation for their kindness, for fulfilling their responsibilities without complaint, for sharing joys and easing sorrows, for being there and making your life richer.

Giving thanks for your opportunities, friendships, health and many blessings is a great gift of love you give yourself. When you count your blessings as you wake up and before you go to sleep, you also radiate love like a love magnet throughout the day.

The Gift of a Love Genie who grants a friend or loved one’s wish to have you babysit or cook their favorite meal, join in their hobby, play games, clean out their garage or do their errands for a day. A Love Genie only grants wishes that need their time and attention, not cash nor a charge card to fulfill.

As a Love Genie, you also may grant your mate’s wishes for more love and romance. It’s ideal if your mate offers to be your Love Genie and fulfill your romantic dreams for a day.

The Gift of Touch can offer comfort, support, appreciation, affection, sexual passion. Giving someone a massage of their feet, hands or back and neck can ease stress and energize healing. A friendly hug helps someone feel connected and content.

The touch I miss after losing my “sole” mate is giving each other foot massages while we sat facing each other on a couch and reviewing the events of our day. This nightly ritual let us combine the gifts of touch, gratitude, listening and granting our wish to be more connected.

The Gift of Stories entertain your loved ones when you share a precious memory about their life and show them photos or videos of them as they star in this story. Take more photos and videos of them so you have the creative fuel for your holiday tradition.

The Gift of Laughter is a delightful aphrodisiac for couples. Frequent laughter also bonds family and friends in joy. Being more playful builds a foundation of fun that holds you and your mate together in tough times.

Nobody wants to leave a mate who’s an irresistible source of fun, touch, love wish fulfillment, uplifting stories, appreciation and validation.

Giving these priceless gifts of love can bulletproof an intimate relationship, build better relationships with everyone and make any day feel like a holiday.

Love deeply and live your dreams now.

Hadley Finch

About Hadley Finch

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