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Dating Advice – 4 F’s Make Women Irresistible To Men

Discover 4 things a woman can do today to become irresistible to men in highlights of my radio interview for A Lasting Love with Dr. Ishmael Major.

Dr. Ish is a board-certified psychiatrist and infidelity expert, who’s helped thousands of men and women find love and create happiness in their relationships.   He wrote the book, Little White Whys – A Woman’s Guide Through The Lies Men Tell and Why. 

Hadley:  You’ve said that a woman’s confidence is a big turn on for men.  You also recommend that women do four things to become irresistible to men.

Dr. Ish:  I could say a woman F’s her way into a man’s heart by using these 4 F’s:
#1 F is Flirt — Ladies, remember guys are visual.  First men need to see what they like.  So stimulate men visually.  Men like a woman’s attention to detail, so wear colors and lipsticks that flatter you.  As your whole look comes together, guys notice this.  A guy appreciates it without knowing how you got there.

#2 F is Feed — We’ve heard the quickest way to man’s heart is through his stomach.  In part, that’s true.  But don’t forget to fee the ego.
Every guy wants to know he’s appreciated.  To know why you’re there. He needs to hear how awesome you think he is.  Tell him what you like about him. You’re with him for a reason Share it.  I love your sense of humor.  I love that you do what you say you’re going to do. I love your go-get-em attitude about life.  Feed the ego.

Eventually, you need to feed the stomach.  You don’t have to slave in the kitchen.  It doesn’t matter if you eat out or order in.  There’s something magical that happens when you sit down to share a meal. We get a spike in bonding hormone, oxytocin.

It doesn’t matter if you’ve cooked the meal, picked the wine or the restaurant.  It matters that you share the dining experience with him.  He’ll feel connected to you when you enjoy a meal together, without knowing why.
Hadley:  It’s comforting and exciting to share a meal.  If you prepare a meal, make it with love because that infuses the food with loving energy which enriches the nutrition.

The flirting and feeding that works for men and women.  Both men and women like the playful and nourishing activities you share.  What’s the third F?

Dr. Ish:  #3 F is Frolic — Not just talking about sex. Everybody makes up their own mind when or if they’ll add sex to relationship before marriage.  You must honor everyone’s position on that.

Frolic isn’t all about sex.  It’s about the cute, adorable things women do that drive him wild.  The playfulness a woman has when she’s excited.  How she pouts when she’s angry.  How she loves to cuddle. If a man didn’t love these things, he’d be with other guys.
It’s okay to show feminine side or be goofy.  It shows she’s comfortable around him and shows her true personality, which leads to emotional connection.

Hadley:  The frolic, the playful side in men also is sexy to women.

Dr. Ish:  The things that attract men are the same things that attract women. It’s all about curiosity.  So on a date you’ve flirted, fed, frolicked and now it’s time to use the final F–

#4 F – Flee — Guys don’t want to feel stuck, trapped or obligated.  Guys play the dating scenario in their mind.  Guys plan their exit strategy before date number 1.

Beat him to the punch.  Want to guarantee he won’t stop thinking about you after an amazing night of flirting, feeding, frolicking?

Cut off the date and leave early.  Nine times out of 10, he’ll be texting, calling, asking you to come back before you make it home, because you’ve reversed the order of things.  It’s like the cat and the string.  The minute the dangling string falls to the ground, the cat walks away.

Hadley:  What retreats is pursued, so pull back a little.  Don’t be totally available every minute, because you have a full, exciting life.  It’s not game playing.  You want to have your life as full and fulfilling as you can make it.

Dr. Ish:  Guys love to know a woman has a full life totally separate from him.  Guys love that.  Ladies, you don’t have to put your life, your wants, your needs on the back burner to date this guy.  Continue to have your full, fulfilling life.  And show him that you like him enough to fit him into your life.

Hadley:  Sounds good.  I like it.  Let’s go back to frolic.  This is a controversial topic.  When’s the best time to add sex to a dating relationship if you want to find true love?

Get the answer in new highlights of my radio conversation for A Lasting Love with Dr. Ish Major. 

Get all the happy, sexy love you desire,

Hadley Finch

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