Gratitude fuels happiness.
The best prayer we can say each day is, “Thank you.”
Giving thanks is the gift we give ourselves
and our dear ones as we celebrate Thanksgiving.
What if you are grieving the loss of someone you love
during the season of gratitude?
The pain of lonely loss and grief can stop you
from giving thanks for the times and blessings
you’ve shared during their lifetime.
How do you get through the dark tunnel of thankless grief?
Become aware of this profound truth: Love cannot be lost.
Love survives physical death and dries your tears of grief.
Want proof?
Einstein lighted our path through grief by proving that
energy neither can be created nor destroyed. It only changes form.
A healing step through grief is seeing the love you “lost”
as your love blind spot while you’re driving through life.
You can’t see your lost love, but you can feel their energy
beside you in your love blind spot. And give thanks for it.
As you gather with friends and family this Thanksgiving,
take a sacred moment to give thanks for love that
that never dies. It only changes form.
What if you’re stuck in dark grief and you’re resisting
holiday lights this year?
The antidote is to see holiday lights with new eyes.
You may see holiday lights as a reminder to celebrate
the light of love that survives physical death,
heals grief and sustains everlasting love.
Sending love and gratitude every day,
Hadley Finch