Home / A Course In Dating Miracles / Heal A Broken Heart Part 1 – How To Ease Pain And Loneliness After A Breakup

Heal A Broken Heart Part 1 – How To Ease Pain And Loneliness After A Breakup

Ed Banks of Breakup Hub asked me the following questions in a recent interview about recovering from a breakup. My answers in Part 1 reveal the proven cure for loneliness, pain, anger and grief over lost love. You’ll discover the same success tools I used to survive and thrive after my heartbreaking breakup.

How can someone best deal with the intense pain one is hit with immediately following a break up?

Grieving lost love can feel like a tidal wave of pain that hits often and without warning. Because grief can be so painful, some of us try to escape or deny the pain. Studies show that the pain does not go away when you deny it. It can be buried inside and rise up in negative ways.

If you are stuck in the pain of grief, I encourage you to feel your pain so you release it, talk it out with a pastor or counselor, write it out in a journal, forgive yourself for anything you did or failed to do, eat well, exercise often, pamper yourself by doing something fun each day, read sources of wisdom and take daily steps to create a new life.

Think of your pain as a temporary phase of your rebirth into a beautiful new life. It is often tempting to replace the person who has been lost before you heal your heartbreak.

Doing so may set you up for even more heartbreak if your new relationship isn’t built on healthy emotional ground.

How can someone best deal with loneliness after breaking apart from a loved one?

When a breakup is fresh and raw, you may be afraid you’ll be lonely and alone for the rest of your life. That is not your destiny, unless you want it to be. You can choose to see loneliness with new eyes. I often tell my online community that the purpose of loneliness is self discovery of the new you.

When you feel the bleak, empty pain of loneliness, you can see it as a wake up call to new action. Ask yourself what new actions you can take to make solid, positive connections with people. Building bridges instead of building walls is a proven cure for loneliness. Another cure is to fall in love with the person you’re alone with. After a breakup and before you enter a new relationship, I encourage single men and women to fall in love again with yourself first. How?

Follow our 5 Rs every day:

Revive your dreams and take action on them every day.
Rev up your best qualities and strengthen your strengths so weaknesses lose power.
Recharge your health, so you look and feel your best.
Remember the love in your past, so your sad old stories fade away.
Remain resilient and optimistic as you overcome challenges and expect wonderful things to happen. What you see will be!

As you use our 5 R’s to fall in love again with yourself, you radiate healthy self love that attracts love like a love magnet and recruits your perfect match on your love wavelength whenever you want to love again. Couples also use my 5 Rs to revive passion and romance so their relationship stays fresh and fabulous.

In Part 2 of this interview, you’ll relieve breakup anger, deal with the No Contact rule, avoid depression, become a love magnet and fall in love with your new life. You’ll discover the same success tools I used to survive and thrive after my heartbreaking breakup.

Are you a resilient optimist who believes in great love? If so, get the red-hot love life you deserve in TribeOfSingles, the online dating site where resilient, optimistic singles choose a perfect love match. Accept my invitation to meet elite singles now! https://TribeOfSingles.com

I also encourage you to visit Breakup Hub–a resource created for those dealing with breakups. From expert interviews, to in-depth articles, Breakup Hub offers all the information you’ll need to emotionally heal from your break up, grow as a person, or even learn how to get your ex back

Get the red-hot love life you deserve!

Hadley Finch

About Hadley Finch

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