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How Dreams Help You Create A Dream Relationship

Every night you can connect with your source of creativity and life-changing insight in your dreams. Learn how to become a dream detective who captures dreams, figures out their meaning and applies it to your life and love life during my interview with Scott M. Shafer, author of the book, What Every Dream Means.

Hadley: Studies have shown that everyone dreams every night. Why don’t some of us remember our dreams?

Scott: Analytical thinkers tend not to value dreams and they write off content saying, “It’s just a dream.” Since they don’t look for images or meaning in dreams, they have no reason to pay attention to dreams or remember them.

Stress also can deplete our ability to remember dreams. Hormonal and seasonal changes also affect dream memory.

Hadley: How can you train yourself to remember dreams?

Scott: Keep a notepad and pen by your bed. As soon as you wake up, jot down a word or image from a dream before this info disappears from your mind. The more you focus on finding the content of your dreams, the more you will dream and remember.

Before bed, you also can say a nightly affirmation: I want to remember my dreams and every part of my dream tonight and every night. This trains your dream memory muscles.

Hadley: How can dreams help us create a dream relationship?

Scott: Dreams will tell us positive or negative things about people we are dating. We may not want to accept the information we receive about a date, but a glimpse usually is offered to us as we sleep. So it’s important to pay attention to nightly clues we receive in our dreams.

Hadley: How can couples use their dreams to improve their relationship?

Scott: You can develop a habit of listening to your dreams and discussing the content as a way to increase intimacy in your relationship.

If you have a dream about your partner’s infidelity, it might be inspired by your fear of infidelity instead of the fact of infidelity.

Hadley: It’s wise to discuss the fear before your focus brings to life the things you fear. How do you clear the fear in a dream?

Scott: Once you understand the message of a dream, the underlying fear disappears. A function of a dream is to reveal more information than is available on the surface of what we currently know.

There are many types of dreams, including those with healing or warning messages and lucid dreams where your conscious mind is a dream narrator observing the action like a silent witness.

Hadley: If you recognize a serious issue that emerges in your dream life, then you can begin working through this issue to get advice or change course with your partner to create the relationship of your dreams.

Ideally, you will pay attention to your night dreams and use this inspiration to live your dreams every day.

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