Home / A Course In Dating Miracles / How Future Visioning Creates A Future You Love Now Part 3 – Healing Chronic Illness

How Future Visioning Creates A Future You Love Now Part 3 – Healing Chronic Illness

In Parts 1 and 2 you discovered how to quickly heal your past and design your ideal future by using a radical, proven new process known as Future Visioning tm.

Now you’ll find out how the creator of this process had used it to heal his own life-threatening illness and help thousands of people reverse many chronic diseases in Part 3 highlights of my radio interview for A Lasting Love with Ti Caine.  He is the leading expert in the Psychology of the Future and creator of the Future Visioning tm Process.

HF:  You’ve explained how to tap into our inner power to create a happy, healthy future.  Let’s talk about another inner power that can destroy relationships, limit success and harm our health.  How do we handle the destructive power of anger when it’s difficult to control, or when we’ve repressed it to avoid exploding in rage?

TC:  Anger is not an uncontrollable inner power.  Anger and any emotion is a source of inner power that helps you create your ideal reality.  All emotions are positive, including anger, sadness, fear, loneliness, joy and love.  They are there to help us navigate the future.  Anger simply tells you that you’re off course.

HF:  I often tell my online community that anger is our wakeup call to new action and positive change.  So we need to respond to anger as our guide.

TC:  Exactly.  Yet there’s an implication in the self growth world that anger is a negative emotion that you want to get rid of.  That’s not true.

Anger is a positive emotion, so you want to use it.  If someone is being mean to you, then you need anger to protect yourself and say, “Stop.”  You need anger to navigate your life.  It’s like a smoke alarm in the kitchen.  If you listen to it and respond to it appropriately, then it will help you get what you want in life.

HF:  In many healing circles, it’s understood that when we swallow anger instead of expressing it, the anger turned inward can cause serious illness.  You claim that you’ve used future visioning to help people reverse illnesses like depression, chronic fatigue, multiple sclerosis and cancer by dealing with their anger.  What do you know about reversing the underlying cause of disease that Doctors and patients need to learn?

TC:  When we pretend anger is not there or we try to repress it or suppress it, then anger can turn into disease because it’s a very powerful energy.  To stay healthy, you should be feeling anger honestly, expressing it appropriately, and getting on with your life to navigate toward the future and the love that you want.

HF:  What if someone is seriously ill?  How do they deal with anger that may be causing their illness?

TC:  I’ll tell you how I’ve reversed my own life-threatening illness.  Several years ago, I went home to Utah to visit my mom and to ski.  Soon I had an appendicitis attack, and I was in immense pain for 24 hours.  I was rushed to the hospital, where three doctors told me I’d be dead within a few hours if I didn’t have surgery.  As they’re wheeling me toward the operating room I said, “No.”

HF:  You refused surgery?  I’m surprised they allowed you to do this.

TC:  My main doctor was a woman who said she didn’t know anything about the metaphysics I was talking about.  I told her, “I know I create my own reality.  I don’t do it very well all the time.  But I know it’s true that I am creating this disease, and I’m going to heal it or die trying.”
I knew it was time to draw the line in the sand.  I refused surgery and signed the waiver that said I assumed all responsibility.  I told them I wouldn’t sue the hospital.  I said, “My future is going skiing, not recovering from surgery.”

HF:  What did you do, step-by-step, to reverse your appendicitis?

TC:  Here are the steps of my future visioning process.  I was clear about the future I wanted.  I wanted to heal myself of this illness and go skiing.  I was absolutely committed.  And I wanted to know myself as a powerful spiritual being.  So I was clear about my future.
Next I started to look at why I was creating this illness.  Instead of fighting it, I tried to figure out what I was doing to create this disease.  My process is vastly different from most alternative and allopathic healing systems that are all about fighting the disease.
I understood that we create our own reality so fighting the disease was a waste of time.  I had to figure out why and how I was creating the disease, so if I stopped doing this my disease would heal.

HF:  Why did you create your appendicitis attack?

TC:  I looked at my life and couldn’t figure out why.  So I tried to reach Lazaris, my mentor, to ask for help because I was on the edge of dying.  Lazaris was on a plane so his assistant, Gerald, said everyone they’ve known who has had flaming gut issues has had problems with unresolved anger.
Instantly, the light bulb went off.  I knew it was an unresolved conflict with my mother from 5 years earlier.  I’d come home to visit her.  She was with me in the hospital, watching me dying in front of her eyes, when I told her about the anger I was holding onto that was coloring my whole life and destroying my hopes for the future.
As I told her about my anger, expressing it honestly, I was in the middle of a sentence when I noticed the pain was 100% gone.  So I went skiing, I still have my appendix and I had the great vacation I had envisioned.

HF:  That’s an incredible story.   Yet I’m wondering how you would’ve dealt with unresolved anger against your mother if she had died years earlier, or if she wasn’t there at the hospital with you.

TC:  I help people deal with this all the time.  In my process, I take people out to the future first, so they get really clear about where they want to go.  Most people who are sick with chronic illnesses can’t even imagine themselves being healthy.  That’s their biggest problem to overcome, because they’ve given up on the future.
So we go to their future first, and then go back to the past. And in your imagination you can express all of the anger, hurt, sadness, loneliness, or any emotion.
It doesn’t matter if the perpetrator is alive or dead or where they are.  What’s important is that you feel and honestly express your emotions. It often works better in your imagination than being with the person who often times won’t want to hear it.

HF:  Another technique is to post a photo of the person who hurt you on a pillow and then beat the pillow with a tennis racket.

TC:  I find it works better in your imagination, particularly with anger.   You can see yourself beating the crap out of that person.  You can express, you can rage, you can throw them off a cliff and do whatever you want to vent and release the anger, which is another thing most people don’t do.
Most people think they want to be forgiving or rationalize their anger instead. So they keep all that anger and violence inside their body and it eats them up either as migraines, chronic fatigue or cancer.
When you go inside to find the core of your anger and express it fully in your imagination, I’ve watched illnesses disappear right in front of my eyes with my clients as it did in my own illness.

HF:  The secret is to do this before you develop a chronic illness, because you’ve swallowed your anger too long.  Let’s shift gears and help couples recover from infidelity.  How do you make your relationship better than ever after an affair?  How do you help singles find true love?

Get the answers in Part 4 highlights of my radio conversation with Ti Caine. To claim your FREE worksheets and design your ideal future now www.futurevisioning.com/hadley.html

Get all the happy, sexy love you desire now,

Hadley Finch

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