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Love Miracle Minute – Dalai Lama's Secrets Of Happiness and Lasting Love

I often encourage you to get the red-hot love life you deserve. How? By connecting with your partner in body, mind and spirit to deepen passion, intimacy, fun and undying love. Now, you can create a more soulful connection with your intimate partner with help from his holiness, the Dalai Lama. I’ve summarized his advice for living an inspired (in spirit) life, which he revealed during his Chicago speech in July 2011.

The Dalai Lama sat down to talk with thousands who’d gathered at University Of Illinois-Chicago pavilion or viewed his speech online in July, 2011. He told us that everyone on the planet wants a happy life, and everyone has the right to achieve that goal. He suggested we achieve happiness when we develop and live by these moral ethics:

self confidence
inner strength
warm heartedness

He explained that there are 7 billion people on earth, yet we are all the same person. We may have a different culture, language, color, yet we are the same human being physically, emotionally, mentally, with the same inner desire for happiness.

You fulfill this desire when you treat other people as yourself, as your brothers and sisters who also deserve happiness. This is how you build genuine trust which creates friendships and a happy atmosphere at home, in the community and in the world.

When you develop love, compassion, self confidence, tolerance and you practice forgiveness, then you become the source of your own happiness and the community’s, too. In doing so, there is no danger of corruption, cheating, bullying others.

How do you deal with people who’s views oppose yours?

The Dalai Lama encourages us to criticize or debate diverse views, yet we always respect another person’s views and their right to hold them.

So how do you apply the Dalai Lama’s secrets for inspired living to your relationships?

Being warmhearted and compassionate to yourself and others gives you the self confidence to interact honestly, which builds trust, affection and friendships that fulfill our common human needs.

When you also treat your partner as well or better than you treat yourself, and when you respect your partner and their views, then you will temper the way you discuss issues in your relationship. You naturally find win-win resolutions to conflicts, disarm irreconcilable differences that can break up marriages and families, and open your heart to a lasting love.

And couples sustain passion, intimacy and undying love with your partner, with me as your love guide, at http://www.TribeOfCouples.com

And singles meet your Great Love in the dating site I created exclusively for resilient optimists who believe in great love. I’ll help you recruit your perfect match among positive, singles like you, if you’re warm-hearted, emotionally available with a healthy libido, solid values and a good sense of fun that holds couples together in tough times. Take a Free look as my guest, in https://www.TribeOfSingles.com

Get the red-hot love life you deserve!

Hadley Finch

About Hadley Finch

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