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Love Miracle Minute – How To Complain Less And Love More

If you’d like to experience more love and joy in your life, I encourage you to clear the clutter of complaining and negativity from the windshield of your mind. Ekhart Tolle helps you do this in his life-changing book, The Power Of Now, in which he says:

“See if you can catch yourself complaining in either speech or thought about a situation you find yourself in. What other people say or do, your surroundings, your life situation, even the weather. See if you can catch yourself complaining. For to complain is always non-acceptance of what is, and it invariably carries an unconscious negative charge. So when you complain you make yourself a victim. Either leave the situation, change the situation or accept it. All else is madness.”

Why make yourself a victim by complaining? Why cause needless pain in yourself and others who must witness your complaints and negativity? You can take control and open your heart to love and joy that are our natural state.


You can shift every complaining thought, word or action by making one of these three choices: accept a situation, change it or leave it. Either choice lifts you up and brings you into harmony with what is. Making this personal shift from a complaining victim to a creator of the life you choose actually frees you to feel more joy, grow from challenges and attract love like a love magnet.

And if you’re single and seeking your Great Love, I’ll help you recruit your perfect match in the dating site I created exclusively for resilient optimists who, despite what challenges life throws at you, still believe in Great Love. You’ll meet positive, successful singles who are ready to create a red-hot relationship with lasting love at www.TribeOfSingles.com

Couples sustain passion, intimacy, fun and undying love with your partner, with me as your Love Guide, at www.TribeOfCouples.com

Get the red-hot love life you deserve,

Hadley Finch

About Hadley Finch

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