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Love Test – How To Star In Your Own Love Story

Why be the star in your love story? Whether you’re in a romantic relationship or seeking one, you will radiate sex appeal and create a more fulfilling relationship with your co-star and yourself as soon as you learn how to be the love star you’re meant to be.

Bit players stay in the background because they stay trapped by challenges like a tough economy, dull job, sad past or frustrating relationships. A star gets closeups because we want to see how they leap over tall obstacles and soar to new heights in life and love. Let’s look at other attitudes and actions that transform a bit player into the star in your own love story.

Co-stars in a romantic film get to re-do a scene over and over until you get it right. In real life, you rarely get a chance for Take Two while you’re exploring a dating relationship. Let’s say you screw up a “scene” with your date (by criticizing, drinking heavily, spending recklessly, asking for a financial bailout, dumping emotional baggage, etc.). Your date may think, “Next” and audition the next eager candidate waiting to co-star in their love story, because you weren’t ready for your closeup. We’ll show you how to get ready in a minute.

What if you’re doing scenes from a marriage?

If you’ve made a mutual commitment to cherish and love your marital co-star, you may get a chance to redo and rework issues until you get them right. Even in a marriage, your eager competition can be lurking in the wings, waiting for a vulnerable moment so they can jump in and replace you. This can break up a marriage, slam you financially for decades and cause anguish in your children and everyone who loves you. I speak from painful experience here.

How do you avoid that heartbreaking fate?

It’s a two-part process. First, see your mate with new eyes. If you don’t see why someone else would want to co-star with your partner, you can correct your vision by seeing all the wonderful qualities that drew you to them when you first met. Those qualities are still there and other people see them, even after you’ve stopped. When you re-focus on these qualities and give your mate compliments, you promote their growth, like sunshine springing flowers from winter hibernation.

The second step is to learn how to get ready for your closeup in each scene of your love story. This preparation has nothing to do with your co-star. It’s all about you.

Whether you’re single and seeking a costar or married to your costar, you prepare for your closeups by answering questions on this Love Test:

Am I fit in body-mind-spirit?

Am I strong enough to face the challenge in each scene?

Am I resilient enough to bend instead of break?

Do I see each take of a scene, not as a mistake but as a chance to bring out the best in me?

Am I in touch with my emotions, feeling free to give and receive love?

Do I speak my truth from my heart, aware of how my words will affect someone before I speak?

Have I learned how to listen as an act of love? 

Do I use my talents and take action on my dreams every day?

Do I ease stress and build health with wholesome thoughts, foods, exercise, friends?

Have I identified challenges in my life and created various plans to overcome them (in case you need Take Two or Take Ten)

Do I see and savor all the wonders of me?

How did you score?

Each YES reveals where you are ready to face the challenges and savor the joys in each scene of your love story.
Each NO reveals what you can turn it into a YES, so you will be a fit, flexible and fabulous star of your love story.

Getting ready for your closeup means that you strengthen your strengths and fall in love again with yourself first–so that your inner radiance shines through and attracts love like a love magnet.

Turning each NO to a YES also builds the resilient optimism that helps you leap tall obstacles and soar to new heights in life and love.

Get all the happy, sexy love you desire,

Hadley Finch

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Worlds Top Experts Help You Create Happy Sexy Love In Romantic Relationships. Read it on Kindle. OR Listen to the audible.com Audiobook that transforms your relationship today.

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About Hadley Finch

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