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Love Test – What Changes Hurt or Help Relationships?

Great relationships are a proven secret to great success at work and at home. Great relationships will grow and change as you meet challenges, rebound from painful losses and create joyful gains in life and love. Universal laws tell us that if you’re not growing and changing, you are dying. Yet not all change promotes growth.

What kind of change hurts or helps your relationship with yourself and others?

Find out when you answer each question as True or False in this Love Test:

1. Small change often is more difficult to make than significant change. True/False
2. Because we’re wired to choose short-term comfort over long-term gains,
even small changes cause us to struggle, because change often is
uncomfortable True/False
3. Because we don’t get outside of our belief systems or challenge
autopilot thinking and actions, small change delivers most of the pain
of change and fewer benefits True/False
4. Making a significant change, like getting married, having a baby, taking
a new job, adopting a healthier lifestyle, retiring, forces you to
make changes in your whole life. True/False
5. The pain of significant change is less because you expect it. True/False
6. None of your routines and unconscious habits are left untouched
when you make a significant change. True/False
7. You expect things to be different and understand change isn’t optional
when you make a significant change True/False
8. When you embrace rather than resist significant change, you dramatically
increase positive results and rewards True/False
9. Is it time to stop making small changes that don’t challenge you? True/False

10. Is it time to choose a significant change that dramatically improves
your love life and work life and commit to it now? True/False

How did you score on this Love Test?

If you answered TRUE to all 10 questions, congratulations. You are on track to consistently make choices and significant changes that cause you and your relationships to grow and thrive.

If you answered FALSE to any questions, you now know where you can see change with new eyes and embrace significant change that enriches your life and your relationships.

What significant change will you commit to today?

Are you or your single friends searching for great love? Stop searching and find love now. Discover 7 new ways to find and attract positive, successful people to date, love and marry. Claim my FREE ebook at www.IFindLoveFast.com

And I’ll guide your love quest and help you choose your perfect match in the dating site I created exclusively for positive, successful singles who believe in great love. Take a Free look around as my guest at www.TribeOfSingles.com

Get the red-hot love life you deserve,

Hadley Finch

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About Hadley Finch

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