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Make A Quantum Leap To Love and Success In A 12-Week Year Part 1 – Your Success Blueprint

Make a quantum leap to greater love and success in the next 12 weeks as you begin a 12-week year. In business, December traditionally is the best month of the year because of the year-end push to fulfill annual goals.

What if annual goals were a barrier to high performance all year? What if a year were no longer 12 months but 12 weeks, and the excitement, energy and focus of the year-end push now happens continuously?

Now you can achieve more in the next 12 weeks than most will achieve in a year. You can celebrate your success and refresh your focus on new year’s goals every 12 weeks. How?

In Part 1 of our series, get your blueprint and tools to build the life of your dreams every 12 weeks as I summarize my A Lasting Love radio interview with Brian P. Moran, a corporate exec and success coach for Fortune 500 Companies who designed The 12-Week Year.

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Let’s say we want to add more passion and excitement to every week, every day, every moment. Now we can use winning business strategies to build better relationships with everyone in our life and accomplish more of our dreams in 12 weeks than most will accomplish in a year. What is our blueprint to begin our 12 week year right now?

First we move out of an annual environment. We have a notion that there’s lots of time in a year so we tend to put off things we can do to realize our dreams right away, thinking “I’ve got 40 or 50 more weeks to achieve my plans and goals.”

When we stop this “annualized thinking” and focus on the next 12 weeks as the year, we then behave differently because we have a new deadline that’s much closer. This creates a sense of urgency, clarity and excitement in achieving our annual goals in 12 weeks.

Brian P. Moran said that if you’re lacking passion in your business or your relationship, it is not a crisis of passion. It’s a crisis of vision. How do we create a vision so powerful that we’ll leap over any obstacle which stands in our way of achieving it?

You’ve got to make a positive, emotional connection with your vision of what you desire. Then stay connected to your vision, seeing it in your mind’s eye, using the words, thoughts and actions of these successes every day, and feeling with all of your senses that you’ve already fulfilled it.

Otherwise, you feel something’s missing, as if your dreams were out there in the future. You need to bring them into the present or you won’t get there.

So your vision must be formed by saying “I AM…” and then saying whatever it is I desire as if already achieved.

When you have a strong desire, a strong WHY, you don’t have to worry about the HOW because you’ll bulldoze through obstacles that stand in your way.

In Part 2 of our series, you’ll find out how to use the success tools and simple system to realize your best dreams in the next 12 weeks.

Get all the happy, sexy love you desire,

Hadley Finch

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