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Make A Quantum Leap To Love and Success In A 12-Week Year Part 2 – Your Success System

In Part 1, your blueprint achieves your annual goals, plans and dreams in the next 12 weeks. In Part 2 you’ll accomplish more in 12 weeks than most do in a year, in the summary of my A Lasting Love radio interview with Brian P. Moran, corporate exec, success coach and creator of The 12 Week Year.

Achieve more in 12 weeks than most do in a year.  12weekyear.com
Achieve more in 12 weeks than most do in a year. 12weekyear.com

Once we have a clear, powerful vision for our 12 week year, we need a plan to get there from where we are right now. Some of us may spend more time planning a vacation than planning for greater love and success. How do we develop our plan to achieve our best dreams in the next 12 weeks?

Less is more. It’s an oxymoron in life. We may think we can have it all at one time, yet that goal diffuses our focus and efforts. A smarter choice is to choose one to three key areas that we want to bring into our next 12 weeks and then build some actions around achieving these top few goals.

We may plan for the future, but we take actions in each day. So how do we choose our best daily actions?

You don’t want to create a laundry list of all the things you could do. Instead you will choose the “critical few” actions that will have the greatest impact in the area you want to achieve. Then you define the top three actions you need to take on a daily or weekly basis to make each goal happen.


We choose a few key areas so we can be great at a few things rather than be mediocre at a dozen things we’d like to accomplish. Creating a plan is useless unless you implement it. So make your action plan a living document that you will check and follow every day, knowing you will be living the life you want to live each day you take these actions. At at the end of 12 weeks, you’ll know that where you’ll be is aligned with your best vision for your life.

After we choose our critical few actions in our plan, how do we stay on track for doing these things every day?

We look at our top three things to accomplish in a 12-week plan and then we decide what we must accomplish each week to realize these 12-week goals. Then we write a plan of actions we’ll take each week. We create a weekly plan of action at the beginning of each week in the 12-week year. We use it as our road map for each week.

Check in with your weekly plan every day to stay on track. Ask yourself, “Did I do the things I needed to do to improve a relationship or achieve a goal at work? Or did I choose to do the easy things or my old habits that don’t produce the results I desire?”

If you’re choosing the easy things or the old habits, then you’ll feel the pain of disconnect from the life you truly desire to live.

So we must be willing to change our actions to change our outcomes?

We can’t control our outcomes, we only control our daily actions. If we want something that we don’t currently have, then we’ve got to do something we’re not currently doing.

This may take us out of our comfort zone and make us take some sensible risks to get new results. It’s not easy to do some new activities that we aren’t good at yet.

You ask yourself, “Are my activities and my vision bringing out the best in me? Are they demanding the best in me in whatever area I’m applying it?”

If they are, then you know you’re on the right track. If they aren’t, then you know the changes you need to make to get back on track.

In Part 3, you’ll discover top 4 keys you need to live your best dreams in the next 12 weeks.

Get all the happy, sexy love you desire,

Hadley Finch

Dating singles find love in 12 weeks with expert help.  Sign up for 3 Gift Videos and get started now. FindLoveForNewYearsEve.com
Dating singles find love in 12 weeks with expert help. Sign up for 3 Gift Videos and get started now. FindLoveForNewYearsEve.com
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Meet singles seeking a love match now. Claim gift membership for limited time. SinglesLoveMatches.com
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Get Over A Breakup-Get Ways To Be Happy Now. Free videos show you how. 911BreakupSurvival.com
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Best Singles Vacations you’ll love. SinglesLoveVacations.com
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