Home / A Course In Dating Miracles / New Rules For Dating And Finding Great Love Part 2 – When Should Women Pursue A Man?

New Rules For Dating And Finding Great Love Part 2 – When Should Women Pursue A Man?

In Part 1, you discovered how texting, sexting, facebook and social technology can kill your dating life and destroy your chances of finding Great Love. Now you’ll discover dating success strategies for women and men seeking a red-hot relationships with lasting love in this summary of my radio interview with Vanessa Taylor.

Vanessa is a dating coach for the best-selling book–The Rules: Time tested Secrets of Capturing the Heart of Mr. Right by co-authors Ellen Fein and Sherrie Schneider. Vanessa also wrote the new book, Text. Love. Power.: The Ultimate Girls Relationship Guide for Texting and Dating in the New Millennium.

Hadley Finch: As a dating coach for The Rules, you endorse their controversial dating strategy that “Boy must chase Girl to create a great relationship.” Some say that’s an outdated strategy. According to The RULES, it’s the timeless secret of dating success. Tell us why.

Vanessa Taylor: There are exceptions to the Rule, when a woman had chased a man and they’re happily married. Yet she will never know if he had to have her enough to pursue her. Relationships invariably are better when a man pursues a woman first. Men are the warriors and aggressors, professionally and romantically. If a man needs to have a woman, he will let her know.

Hadley Finch: Some divorced men have told me that they want a woman to pursue him, especially when his wife has left him and he’s feeling vulnerable and uncertain about his power to attract a new mate. In this scenario, do you feel it’s appropriate for a woman to pursue a man?

Vanessa Taylor: A man who’s been left by his wife should do the emotional work to regain his confidence before he starts dating. He is programmed to pursue and win the heart of a woman. When she is the aggressor, she may win the heart of a man who doesn’t want her enough to form a happy long-term relationship. This is a recipe for disaster and heartache that can be avoided if you follow The Rules.

Hadley Finch: Let’s explore common reasons women call men:

She thinks he’s lost her number.
She needs a date to a wedding or she bought two tickets to a concert.
She can’t sleep well since he stopped calling.
Her friends told her to call him, since it’s the new millennium.
She wants to know if his new girlfriend is smarter, prettier, better in bed or more successful than she is.
She wants to ask him one more time, “Is it really over?”
He said, “Call me.”

According to The Rules, do any of these reasons justify a woman calling a man?

Vanessa Taylor. None of these reasons are valid. The hardest reason for a woman to understand is when a man asks her to call him. What happens when she calls him? He may be grumpy, or he talks but doesn’t ask her out on a date.

So when a man asks her to call him, she can say, “Sure” to show she’s interested. Then she gets so busy with her own life that she doesn’t call. If he wants her enough, he will call her.

How can a man know for sure that a woman wants to go out with him?

Get your reliable clues in Part 3 of highlights of my radio interview with Vanessa Taylor.

Get all the happy, sexy love you desire,

Hadley Finch

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