Home / A Course In Dating Miracles / Online Dating Guide – Do You Know the Only Dating Site Where You Can't Lie About Your Age?

Online Dating Guide – Do You Know the Only Dating Site Where You Can't Lie About Your Age?

Glamor Press often tells us that today’s 50 is yesterday’s 30, yet a vibrant 50 year old can’t shave 20 years off your age in a dating profile without lying. If you list your actual age, you may get shut out of dating searches because of age. Age discrimination end in one dating site. Why?

Everyday, honorable singles who sign up for internet dating sites must decide whether to fiddle with your age to be included in dating searches or list your actual age and face dating discrimination based on age.

One new dating site has ended this online dating dilemma by adding an ageless-timeless spirit to dating searches.

When you sign up for this dating and travel site, you won’t feel any need to lie about your age because you are not asked to list your age in your dating profile. You only have to affirm that you are over 21 years of age in order to meet single men and women in the club.

How can you meet your great love on this site if you can’t do a dating search in your preferred age range?

You can choose your preferred age range for your great love in your online dating searches. In doing so, your dating profile will be included in online searches in the same age range that you seek in your love match.

For example, if you’re seeking a love match in prime childbearing years, you may choose a desired age range of men or women between 21-35. This means your own dating profile will appear in searches in this age group.

If you’re seeking a love match who’s empty nested and free to travel the world with you, you may select a desired age range of 40-60. Then your dating profile will appear in searches in this age group.

If you’re seeking travel groups or single friends and you don’t want to limit your search by age, you may choose a desired age range between 21-121. Then your dating profile will appear in online searches in every age group in the club. This way, you make sure you don’t overlook your great love or great new friends to pursue your dreams of world travel because of age.

What if you want to find out how fit and healthy your potential love match is today?

There are three ways to do this:

1. Every member of the Singles Club will post a current photo, taken in the past 12 months. This photo will be visible in your dating profile in all searches.

If you’d prefer to hide your photo and search incognito, it’s best to join the other dating sites that permit this.

If you’re 50 and seeking a 25-35 year old, possibly to raise a family together, then your current photo will appear in all searches in the 25-35 age group.

If you think you may look older than everyone else in that age group, that’s how you may feel when you meet your younger love match and spend time with their younger friends. You may get used to it or the physical signs of age will vanish if you are creating a true love match.

2. You can meet club members during video chats

Only 20 percent of any written communication is comprehended. In a video chat, you also experience the other 80 percent because you’re hearing the sound of voice, you’re seeing facial expressions and body language during your get-acquainted conversations.

3. You will meet singles in person during special events and travel vacations

When you meet face-to-face, you instantly see a person’s level of fitness, health and happiness.

Meeting singles by video or in live club activities means that you never have to go on another blind date. With this ageless, timeless spirit in online dating, you won’t make the mistake of shutting the door on your great love or travel partners because of a silly number like age.

And I invite you to meet positive successful singles in our holistic dating and travel site. You don’t post your age, only a recent photo, so you can find love at any age. No more blind dates, since you meet in fun video chats and dream travel at dream prices. Meet awesome singles now. Click SINGLES CLUB in the menu bar and sign up for your free month membership.

Love deeply and live your dreams now,

Hadley Finch

About Hadley Finch

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