Home / A Course In Dating Miracles / Play Your Love Cards Right Part 2 – Don’t Marry The Wrong Love Match

Play Your Love Cards Right Part 2 – Don’t Marry The Wrong Love Match

In this episode, dating singles identify your least and most compatible love matches. Find out which birthdays never should marry, and why; which birthdays are the most marriageable; and what the best time and place is to find the love of your life in Part 2 highlights of my radio interview for A Lasting Love with Robert Lee Camp.

Robert is a master astrologist and author of wildly popular love compatibility programs and books, Love Cards and Cards of Your Destiny.

Hadley: Let’s help singles, who are dating to find love, use birth cards to sort through mismatches. Which birthdays never should marry and why?

Robert: There are so many birth cards in the deck that never should marry. Birth cards in number 3’s and 5’s and most of the Jacks don’t want to make commitments. They want relationships, but they don’t want marriage to take away their freedom and tie them down.

Being a male of any birth card also removes your ability to commit, because men are programmed to have sex with as many women as possible to spread their seed.

Hadley: I recall Rev. Jesse Jackson had used that excuse to justify having an affair, and the Press blasted him for it. Let’s not make a blanket statement for all men. I find that men are eager to commit to marriage, especially if they were happily married for many years before they lost their partner or their way in a relationship.

Robert: Men may not act upon their genetic urge to have sex with many women, yet it is in their DNA. There are many birth cards of men who love being married. But being male decreases your chances of being able to commit.

Hadley: Commit to monogamy. Some men find it difficult to live up to monogamy. Tell us which birth cards are the most marriageable.

Robert: Birth cards for all of the 2’s have a whole identity about being in a relationship, so they’re very marriageable. All of the 4’s have a great need for security, which you find in a relationship, so all 4’s are very marriageable.

All the Kings are very marriageable. Kings are strong willed and will boss you around. This is true for male and female Kings.

So the birth cards of 2‘s, 4‘s and Kings are drawn to marriage and stay married most of their life. Although things can happen.

The 2 of diamonds has a bad combination of being very smart and clever while being emotionally insecure. They have a belief they should stay married forever, often a religious beliefs. So many 2 of diamonds men will stay married but have continuous affairs.

Hadley: So 2 of diamond males may have a hard time living up to monogamy. We’ve talked about birth cards that are dangerous to marry. Which birth cards identify your perfect love match?

Robert: The birth card immediately before and after your birth card in the deck are a perfect love match. For example, if you’re birth card is 6 of diamonds and you meet a 5 or 7 of diamonds, you’ll feel drawn to that person. Being that close in birth cards is a good marriage connection.

Hadley: That’s true, no matter what your birth card. You will feel close to people with the birth card right before and after yours. Since people with different astrological signs share each birth card, you’re saying that their birth card makes them feel closer than their astrological sign, correct?

Robert: Correct. There may be 8 signs that share a birth card. And you will be most compatible with the people of any sign whose birth card is right before or right after yours. This system tells you who they are. You can look up the birth card for you and anyone else by birth day and month at no charge on my website 7thunders.com.

Hadley: What’s the best time and place to find the love of your life? Get the answer in Part 3 highlights of my radio interview for A Lasting Love with Robert Lee Camp.

Get all the happy, sexy love you desire,

Hadley Finch

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