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Sexy Challenges for Lovers-Having Hot, Sexy Sex You Deserve

You deserve to have playful, passionate, sexy sex in a loving relationship. What if you need to turn up the sexual heat with your partner?

Discover how to spice up your sex life and deepen your sexual bond in highlights of my radio interview for A Lasting Love with Dr. Janelle Alex and her husband of 10 years, Rob Alex They created Sexy Challenges to help couples stoke the powerful, playful passion that they enjoy in their own marriage.

Hadley: Great relationships don’t happen by chance. They’re a choice. Couples can choose to stoke their sexual energy or let it die in dull routines. How did you two decide to give couples Sexy Challenges that lead to sexy sex?

Rob: It is a nice combination of our efforts. First, I wanted to help people spice up their sex life.
Then I had a spiritual awakening, brought on by Janelle.

So I incorporated the spiritual into Sexy Challenges, along the lines of metaphysical. Not religion.

Hadley: Not religious dogma, but love. You help couples transcend the physical to experience sacred lovemaking.
Will you guide us through steps to go from ordinary sex to sacred lovemaking.

Janelle: There are so many ways to do it. One is to really be focused on your own body. Focus on every feeling and sensation. And be willing to allow yourself to be open.

Women usually find it harder to shut off the list of things we need to do. So it’s a little harder for women to get in the mood than for men. Being able to focus on every single sensation is key.

Rob: One big thing I like to point out — Enjoy the pleasure in giving pleasure. It’s not just focusing on yourself. Take pride that you can take your lover to orgasm, to being truly loved.

Janelle: There is a small percentage of people that have a spiritual experience during lovemaking.

Hadley: How would you know? What are some signs?

Janelle: It varies. Some people simply experience the void. Others feel complete utter bliss.
Others have an image appear or like a video play in your mind of a past life experience, like Rob had, and we verified it.

A frightening experience can be when you think your lover’s turned into someone else. It’s a deep subject.
It’s not about wanting someone else. But they showed up for a reason. You can’t explain it, unless you’ve experienced it.

Hadley: Is it like a peak experience where you lose all sense of time and space?

Janelle: Yes. That’s a sense of the void.

Hadley: Let’s talk about a common sexy challenge. Let’s say you want to honor your partner with hot, loving, passionate sex. But your partner has lost interest in sex, due to raising kids, handling duties, deadlines, or the loss of libido. How do these couples rekindle sexual energy?

Janelle: For physical issues, consult a physician, gynecologist, or seek natural alternatives. Find a healer.
It may happen to be psychological, due to issues you’ve gone through in childhood. Get psychological help from a counselor or therapist.

I’m not saying you can snap your fingers to change things. 
Also as women age, menopausal symptoms can affect sexual desire.

Hadley: And millions of men have the challenge of E.D. What exercises do you recommend to savor sexual experience in spite of those challenges?

Rob: You need to go slowly, as you deal with some challenges. There are a couple sexy challenges that rekindle romance and love. You need to get that back first.

Hadley: Give us an example.

Rob: One sexy challenge is the all-day arousal. You build anticipation all day. Start as soon as you wake up,
the kiss you give each other before you leave for work, calling each other, leaving each other sexy notes in the house.

It’s an all-day event, not just the hour you’re making love. All your thought and emotions go into making it a climax at the end of the day.

Janelle: So many people shut down because so busy with kids, career, errands. You work all day long. At the end of the day, when you climb into bed and one person may want to be frisky, but you can’t flip that switch on.

So building anticipation may take longer than a day, depending what’s going on in your life. It may take a while to build anticipation and be ready for sex again.

Hadley: Let’s explain why we need healthy doses of Vitamin O, Orgasm. Studies show that having an orgasm 2-3 times week in a committed relationship also called Sexual Healing, which has major health benefits that lower blood pressure, ease stress, lift your mood, support a healthy heart and sustain healthy longevity.

That’s why couples with an active sex life tend to outlive single folks. Sexual abstinence or sex without orgasm can be detrimental to your health. How do you supplement with Vitamin O if you don’t have a loving partner in a committed relationship, or you can’t experience orgasm?

Janelle: If you have difficulty achieving orgasm, seek help to find out if there is a problem. Some people are too embarrassed to ask for help. Working with healers or counselors can help you.

Hadley: By healers, I assume you mean a naturopathic physician, an eye-reading expert, or someone who can tell you what you’re lacking in your body so you can build it up and experience optimal health and happiness.

Janelle: There also are energy healers and different alternatives.

Hadley: Biofeedback systems like SCIO can identify your body chemistry functions and pinpoint those that need tweaking, so you can have the sexy sex you deserve.

What are some sexy challenges for dating singles and newlyweds?

Get the answers in part two highlights of my radio interview for A Lasting Love with Dr. Janelle and Rob Alex.

Get all the happy, sexy love you desire,

Hadley Finch

Romantic couples find bliss using love tips in my new book. Get the 12.5 hour audiobook Free with trial of audible.com


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Couples find bliss in gift premiere issue of Happy Sexy Love APP on iTunes and Google Play App stores.

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