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Singles Love Quest – Which Bold Dating Strategy Stops Dead-End Dating Fast?

If your potential romances often fizzle out without apparent reason, you may be stuck in dead-end dating habits without knowing it. Find out how a top dating coach used her Harvard Business School savvy to develop a bold dating strategy that could transform your dating habits fast.

What is this bold dating strategy?

Bestselling author and Harvard MBA, Rachel Greenwald, recommends that you do a dating exit interview of your ex-dates to get feedback on what went wrong or right so that you can improve your connection with future dates.

Rachel Greenwald developed this dating strategy while conducting interviews with 1000 single men to find out Why He Didn’t Call You Back — the title of her book based on these interviews (Crown Publishers).

Ms. Greenwald devoted several chapters explaining common reasons why men don’t call women back after a date. She also revealed reasons why women lose interest in pursuing a dating relationship with men.

Why can’t we guess the reasons for date disconnects?

Greenwald’s research revealed that 90 percent of women were wrong when they guessed why their date didn’t call them back. Men also tended to have little understanding why women lost interest in them.

This suggests that recurring behavior habits which you are unaware of may be sabotaging your dates and your potential relationships. You can change that with a dating exit interview.

Although Greenwald geared this dating strategy in her book to single women seeking feedback from men, I advise single men to use this strategy to improve their dating habits.

How do you do a dating exit interview?

You ask someone that you know and trust to contact 3 to 6 of your former dates to ask them for dating feedback. Greenwald said that a date is more likely to be honest with a third party conducting this interview, so it is best that you don’t do it yourself.

The exit-interview goal is not to reunite with your ex-date, but to find out if your personality traits or behavior patterns may have blocked your date’s interest in pursuing a dating relationship with you.

What do you say in the exit interview?

In Chapter 8, Ms. Greenwald presented a complete script that your interviewer could use for telephone or email interviews. The gracious tone of the interview script is designed to put your former date at ease and help you to gain insights to improve your dating attitudes and actions.

Why treat your dating life like a job interview?

If you were interviewing for a job, your recruiter would seek feedback from a potential employer which can help land your best job. I suggest that use this strategy to recruit your best love match for a great relationship.
Get all the happy, sexy love you desire,

Hadley Finch

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About Hadley Finch

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