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Success Principles for Greater Happiness and Love Part 3 – Success Tools and Action Plan

In Parts 1 and 2 of our series, you harnessed your mind power to achieve greater happiness and love. In Part 3 of my interview with Dr. Laurel Fuller Clark, teacher and President of the School of Metaphysics,www.som.org, you get your success tools and action plan to achieve your top goals.

Dr. Clark revealed a surprising statistic about the next success principle–setting goals. Only 3 percent of people have goals. Of them, only 10 percent write down their goals. The act of writing down your goals places you ahead of 97 percent of people.

The process of setting and writing down your goals literally embeds them in your brain and makes them part of you. After you write your goals in words, the next step is to imagine what it is like to have fulfilled them, using the process of visualization.

What if the goals you visualize are very different from the life you are living?

This is a sign that you need to spend time with people who are doing what you’d like to do. This is why having role models, mentors, coaches or apprenticeships is vitally important to fulfilling your goals.

You not only learn skills from them, but you also learn how to think and act as they do and use their tools for success. As you achieve your goals, then you become a role model for others.

What are other success tools for setting and achieving goals?

Let’s say you have a goal of being in a loving marriage before a certain age. First you write down that goal.

The next step is to imagine how you feel when you love and are loved unconditionally. You act as if you are in a loving relationship so that your mind powers this outcome in your life.

Your mind can’t tell the difference between what’s real and imagined, so imagine and visualize each goal as if it’s already completed. Then give thanks for it. Gratitude also attracts love like a love magnet.

The next step is to take appropriate actions to realize your goals. So if your goal is to be in a loving relationship, your actions are to sign up for a matchmaking service or a dating site and ask your friends and family if they could introduce you to someone who might be a great match. Then choose some dating clothes and clear some time so you are ready to go out on dates and meet your love match.

What are some other success principles?

Make healthy choices.

Find the message in your dreams and use it to create a dream life.

Have a purpose for everything you do and a desire to develop yourself and become a better person, more compassionate, patient or more dedicated or a better listener.

As you develop these positive qualities through everything you do, you achieve inner success that lasts a lifetime.

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Hadley Finch

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About Hadley Finch

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