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7 Stages of Sex Part 1 – The Path To Sexual Ecstasy

Don’t settle for a dull or dormant sex life. Everyone becomes a better lover when you examine your attitudes about sex. Searching singles can choose a love match who will keep the sexual fire burning. Even long-term couples who’ve stopped having sex can rekindle sexual passion. How?

Find out how to enjoy and take your sexual relationship through all 7 stages of sex to reach a peak of ecstasy with great sex secrets you get in highlights of my radio conversation for A Lasting Love with Dr. Michael Broder www.StageClimbing.com

Dr. Michael is a renowned psychologist and author whose best-selling books and audio programs help you enhance intimacy and increase sexual pleasure.

Hadley: It’s said that one in five married couples have stopped having sex. Sexual chemistry fizzles because couples don’t know how to reach a sexual peak of passion and intimacy. You show couples how to enjoy sizzling sex for decades by taking your relationship through 7 stages of sex on the path to sexual ecstasy. How do we get on that path?

Dr. Michael: This concept may be new to your tribe, but I’ve been using it to help my patients for years. I call the process stage climbing. It can be applied to each area of your relationship, including sex, how you communicate and treat each other, and how you work together as a team.

Hadley: So you’ve identified stages we go through in all of our interactions with a partner. And the goal is to move through each stage without getting stuck and to keep making things better until you reach your emotional peak. How do we know which stage we’re in now, and how to get from there to the sexual peak?

Dr. Michael: I’ve identified the 7 stages of sex by comparing it to how we move through life. We begin in infancy, and I glibly say we end up in sainthood.

Hadley: You’re saying that our sexual relationship goes through the same growth stages that we do during our lifetime?

Dr. Michael: Exactly. Some people have sex in stage one, which is analogous to infancy. A stage one partner is usually dependent, the way a baby would be. When it comes to stage one sex, the attitude is that sex is something you do to keep your partner in the relationship. Unfortunately, I see many couples with one partner stuck in stage one, where there is no real sexual desire.

Hadley: Many divorced men and women complain that they had great sex before they got married or had children, and then their partner shut off sex. This often leads to affairs and divorce court. To avoid that fate, it’s important to sustain a healthy, active sex life with your partner.

Dr. Michael: Affairs happen in Stage two. It’s analogous to being a toddler, which has a good and bad side. The bad side is acting out, having affairs, controlling or humiliating your partner, or being one-sided and insensitive. The good side is that during toddlerhood, we learn how to be uninhibited and play.

Hadley: As toddlers, we also learn how to fall and get back up, which builds resilience. And we develop curiosity and discover joys in living and learning new things every day.

Dr. Michael: We want to hold onto the positive side, because it’s where uninhibited sex happens as you’re totally in the moment. And we avoid the acting-out behaviors, like having affairs.

Hadley: So how do we maintain our curiosity, playfulness, sense of adventure and growth in Stage two as we climb to the peak of sexual ecstasy?

Find out in Part 2 highlights of my radio conversation with Dr. Michael Broder.
To hear my entire chat with Dr. Michael Broder, click here

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Get the red-hot relationship you deserve,

Hadley Finch

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About Hadley Finch

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