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Sixty Minutes TV Expose' – Is There A Safe Dose of A Toxic Treat You Eat Every Day?

At last, mainstream media is reporting what holistic healers have been saying for decades: Sugar is the only white powder that hasn’t been outlawed, but should be.

New research findings explained in this Sixty Minute Segment prove that sugar fuels cancer, obesity, heart disease. Brain MRIs reveal that sugar is addictive like cocaine, since it activates the dopamine center of the brain and causes a craving for more and more sugar every day. The more you eat of this toxic treat, the more you need to feel satisfied.

Fifteen years ago, my naturopathic physician told me that consuming even one teaspoon of sugar shuts down your immune system for the whole day, leaving you vulnerable to illness. How many teaspoons of sugar do you consume in a day? How do you identify foods that contain hidden sugar? Is there a safe type or amount of sugar to eat?

Get the answers and research findings that help you prevent or reverse disease in this Sixty Minute expose’. Bravo CBS-TV for revealing this life-saving news.

Will you take action on this advice today? Doing so helps you look and feel your best, making it easier to love deeply and live your dreams now.

Get the red-hot health, happiness and love you deserve,

Hadley Finch

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About Hadley Finch

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