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Energy Dating Attracts A Great Love Match Now – Dating Advice

A success secret in dating to find love and repel the wrong matches lies in understanding the human energy field and the mysterious energy exchange between men and women while you’re dating or creating a relationship built to last.

Discover how to tune up your energy to sort through mismatches and attract your great love match in highlights of my radio interview for A Lasting Love with David Price Francis. David is a renowned energy scholar from Oxford University and author of Partners In Passion.

Hadley: Einstein proved that everything is energy, including you and me. We may look solid, but we are made of vibrating energy. Before we can work with our energy to create the life we love, it helps to understand what the human energy field is. Give us the simple explanation.

David: Let’s look at the title of my book, Partners in Passion. Passion is made up of two words, PASS and ION. An ion is a positively or negatively charged particle. When two people share passion, they pass energy between their energy fields.

Passion is the exchange of energy that can lift both people up, like being in love, or pull people down, like when good loving goes bad and the energy field becomes toxic.

There are steps we can take to boost our energy field, which extends 32 inches around our body. The energy field also is called the human AURA. It has colors that demonstrate the nature of energies inside the person.
If there’s a yellow color, it’s a nice emotional energy. A Red aura can demonstrate passion or anger. This energy field indicates we occupy a space larger than our bodies.

When two people come together in energy dating, they form a third field or power. That’s when one and one makes three.

Hadley: I like that image. You’ve worked in the energy field for 30 years. Have you learned how to see auras?

David: Yes, and I’ve taught thousands of people how to do this, using natural radar in the eyes. Ancient Egyptian artists portrayed our eye energy. Plato wrote that people transmit a soft energy through their eyes.

Hadley: We also can sense people’s energy in their moods, their good vibrations or bad.

David: People are more open to exploring this energy field now, than they were 30 years ago. Everything is becoming more energized right now. It’s an interesting time to be alive and be in relationship.

Hadley: You’ve said that energy has the ability to transform our thoughts, feelings and actions. How do we get our energy working for us, instead of against us?

David: We could spend a week exploring this, but here’s the short version. We have 4 elements of energy that make up the requirements of human life.
* The Earth element corresponds to the food we eat, and how well it sustains our bodies.
* The Water element includes its alkaline to acidic property, whether it’s oxygenated, how it’s changed by being stored in plastic bottles.
* The Air element deals with learning how to breath. Do you do shallow breathing or do you breathe deep down into your belly the way a child breathes?
* The Fire element deals with a daily dose of sunshine. Do you get out in the sun at all each day?

The Fifth element is what alchemists call ETHER. It’s etheric, caused by what we think about and how we conduct ourselves. We conduct different energies from the energy world to our planet.

Hadley: It’s empowering to know that we can choose our thoughts in each moment. Tell us how we control our thought energy.

David: I’ll give you an exercise to clear it. When you sleep each night, you create what I call a “fug”, which is dense energy thicker than fog. When you get out of bed in the morning, you not only make your bed to make it nice for the next night. In energy work, you also ring a bell or chime over where you slept to clear out the dense energetic “fug” and make it nice for the next night.

Hadley: That’s a lovely daily ritual, to keep a bell beside your bed and ring it each morning to clear the night’s energy.

David: That’s how church bells were used traditionally, to break up the lower energies in your energy field and draw people to a higher energy in church.

Hadley: And the highest vibration always wins over lower vibrational thoughts and actions. John Gray wrote that men are from mars and women from venus. You write about energetic differences between men and women. Tell us about that.

David: Mars and Venus energy is different. Mars represents a red energy, based in testosterone. Venus energy deals with copper and the cup, the chemical is estrogen and the color is blue. Thankfully, men are not 100% based in masculine red energy and women are not 100% based in blue energy or they’d never need to get together.

Hadley: Men and women have masculine and feminine energy within us.

David: That’s the yin yang symbol. Men have two thirds masculine power and one third feminine. Women have two thirds feminine power and one third masculine. In a man-woman relationship, the man and woman try to complete themselves by drawing power from their partner.

When a man asks a woman out on a date, he’s looking for her energy to complete him. The woman recognizes that a man can complete her. They’re each looking for the missing one/third energy from their partner.

Hadley: That reminds me of the famous line from the film, Jerry Maguire, when Tom Cruise says to Renee Zellweiger, “You complete me.” You may have coined the term, “Energy Dating.” Tell us how we use it to find a great love match.

David: The first kiss is shared by the human energy field, the human aura. A man can walk into a room filled with a thousand people. Suddenly he catches the eye of one woman. It’s called a thunderbolt of energy that reveals you must talk to that person. It’s not physical, it’s pure energy. It’s transmitted through the eyes, which is the only living part of our system that we actually can see. That’s why it’s odd to wear dark glasses and block someone’s view of your eyes.

Hadley: So never wear dark sunglasses on a date.

David: Not if you want to make a soul connection with a date. Wearing dark glasses is a way of cutting them off. My best energy dating advice is to pay attention and listen to what someone says, without thinking about what you’ll say next.

Hadley: Active listening is one of the greatest gifts of love you can give. To be aware of energy, behavior, tone of voice, to find meaning under the words someone says improves understanding and deepens connections. What’s the energetic secret to powerful, lasting attraction, romance and love?

Get the secrets in next highlights of my radio interview for A Lasting Love with David Price Francis.

Get all the happy, sexy love you desire now,

Hadley Finch

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