Home / A Course In Dating Miracles / Greatest Love Story Part 2 – How A Mysterious Murder Launched Their Undying Love Story

Greatest Love Story Part 2 – How A Mysterious Murder Launched Their Undying Love Story

In part 1 you discovered why their love story has been called the greatest ever because it was a match made in heaven that ultimately defied death, like in the hit film, GHOST. Find out how their relationship began with a mysterious murder in Part 2 highlights of my radio conversation for A Lasting Love with Jerry Weinstock. He’s been a Hollywood producer, writer and actor whose real-life love story is more mysterious and provocative than the most romantic movies.

HF: Your real-life love story with Joy began with a mysterious murder that recently was featured on TV’s 48 hours. How did a murder launch your love story?

JW: In 1983, a 17 year old boy named Mark Lisker was arrested and convicted of murdering his mother in their Los Angeles home. Mark’s father was Bob Lisker, who later married Joy. Bob Lisker was devastated by the murder of his wife and the imprisonment of his only son for a crime he said he didn’t commit. Bob was a straight-arrow Republican lawyer, former marine and Kiwanis President. You’d think Bob would be the last person to seek clues to the murder by contacting his wife’s spirit. That’s just what he did, because he was so desperate to free his son from prison.

HF: I’ve found that the intense pain of grief opens the doorway to the spiritual and creative realms for anyone who’s willing to travel there. So when Bob took that path and called on his wife’s spirit for clues to her murder, did she tell him who killed her?

JW: No. Bob was told that there were some things that couldn’t be revealed now, but there would be a time when the truth would be revealed.

HF: So she didn’t tell Bob that their son was innocent?

JW: No. There are certain things we’re not supposed to know because the ambiguity is part of our learning. We have to come to these answers on our own and let the story play out. Yet when Bob Lisker made a break though to communicate with the other side, he opened up a channel to his own spirit guide. This enabled Bob to communicate with his new wife, Joy, after he died, like I told you earlier.

HF: During your 10 year marriage to Joy, you worked tirelessly to get your mutual step-son, Mark Lisker, released from prison. What made you believe his story that he didn’t kill his mother?

JW: We had a sense Mark was innocent. He was working in prison to free himself. He continually was improving himself, taking every class offered in prison to become a paralegal and a computer programmer after his release. He was not giving up the possibility of living as a free man. This inspired us to help him. Joy had taught him not to be broken by prison and he listened.

HF: So Mark Lisker made productive use of the 26 years he spent in prison for a murder he didn’t commit. Sadly, Joy didn’t live to see her step-son’s conviction overturned. How did you handle Joy’s death, while your stepson was still in prison?

Find out how grief-stricken Jerry Weinstock was loved back to life by the spirit of his late wife, Joy in Part 3 highlights of our radio conversation. Jerry helps you cast a quantum love spell for eternal love in his FREE ebook. You’ll enjoy reading this delightful book that helps you do what you love, so click here and start reading now.

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Hadley Finch

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About Hadley Finch

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