Home / A Course In Dating Miracles / Guide For Singles Seeking Love – Learn How To Cure Loneliness And Create A Healthy Relationship

Guide For Singles Seeking Love – Learn How To Cure Loneliness And Create A Healthy Relationship

Do you live alone? When was the last time you had a meaningful conversation with anyone? Cyberspace chats don’t count. They promote a hollow intimacy that may be a new cause of loneliness. You’re about to discover how to cure the painful symptoms of loneliness and create healthy relationships.

What are the symptoms of loneliness?

A bleak feeling of emptiness. A lack of meaning or direction in your life. If left untreated, you may begin to feel trapped and helpless. You may blame an unfair world, a lack of money, bad karma, bad luck, or cold people who won’t reach out to you as the cause of your loneliness.

Loneliness may feel like a love test that is impossible to pass.

You do not see how there are always others who are worse off, yet successful.

You do not understand that it is not our circumstances, but our attitude that determines our destiny and our happiness. And it is always within our power to change our attitudes.

What if the symptoms of loneliness are not treated or healed?

This can lead to a chronic state of depression and inaction. Or you may choose the wrong relationship to escape the pain of loneliness, and then you wonder why this only causes you more pain. To reverse your downward spiral, you need to correct the root cause of your symptoms.

What is the root cause of loneliness?

As a thought leader of his era, Joseph Fort Newton (1880-1950) said, “People are lonely because they build walls instead of bridges.”

In our modern era, people may be lonely because they think they are building bridges through their cell phone and computer, but these connections are an empty illusion. Your bridges aren’t real and solid unless you connect face to face. That is a love lessons of loneliness.

What else can we learn from our loneliness?

“Loneliness is the way by which destiny endeavors to lead man to himself.” Author Herman Hesse (1877-1962) told us that the purpose of loneliness is self discovery.

I often tell my online community that pain opens the doorway to new actions that are a path out of pain.

When you feel the bleak, empty pain of loneliness, you can begin to see it as a wake up call to action. Ask yourself what new actions you can take to make solid, positive connections with people.

Is new action the cure for loneliness?

New action and new attitudes. Author and success expert Wayne Dyer says you can’t be lonely if you like the person you’re alone with.

I often encourage single men and women to fall in love again with yourself first, before you enter a new relationship. Healthy self love is a cure for loneliness and a love magnet for a healthy relationship. Couples can use this technique to revive passion and love in their relationship.

How do you fall in love again with yourself?

Follow my 5 R’s:

Revive your dreams and take action on them every day.

Rev up your good qualities. As you strengthen your strengths, any weakness seems less important.

Recharge your health so you look and feel your best.

Remember the love in your past and your sad old stories fade away.

Remain resilient and optimistic. Bounce back from challenges and expect wonderful things to happen. What you see will be!

As you use the 5 R’s to fall in love again, with yourself, you will radiate a healthy self love as you recruit your perfect match or revive passion and romance in a relationship.

Since like attracts like, singles will attract someone who also values and feels a healthy self love.

Couples who revive self love will feel like they’re in a new relationship. This loneliness cure attracts love, builds bridges and creates great relationships with other people in your life.

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About Hadley Finch

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