Earlier in our series, you learned how to express and release anger from your past and design a future you love. Now you’ll discover an ancient source of anger that can harm us today and how to change that in Part 5 highlights of my radio conversation for A Lasting Love with Ti Caine. He is the leading expert on the Psychology of the Future, and creator of the Future Visioning tm Process.
HF: We’ve explained how to look back into our past to find and express anger that can be an underlying cause of chronic illness and unhappiness. You claim that many of us are unaware of an ancient source of anger that has been affecting men and women for thousands of years. Tell us what it is and how to change it.
TC: Men and women have lost touch with the feminine Goddess for almost 6000 years, ever since men created male-only religions that have no connection with the divine feminine.
For first 25,000 years of human history, the goddess was ever present in our lives everywhere. She was part of our culture and our experience of spirituality. Then men tore down temples to the goddess and built phallic structures that worship the masculine to the exclusion of the feminine. It was man’s conscious choice to destroy our relationship with the divine feminine for almost 6000 years.
HF: How does this hurt us today?
TC: Truth is that the god, the goddess, the infinite source of divine power is inside of us and around us. We are not recognizing it nor realizing that we are spiritual beings. We are not experiencing it because of the programming that there is only a male God who controls everything in life and there is no divine feminine.
Our spirituality is so twisted that we have no access to its true beauty. We have lived with an abusive, angry god as defined by men, and this has caused anger in every human being I’ve ever met. With the goddess absent, we feel betrayed and angry in the core.
HF: Are you suggesting that we express anger against God and the missing Goddess before we can create a healthy future?
TC: I suggest you imagine expressing any anger you’ve repressed from your past, this may include anger against god and a missing goddess. And you rediscover your divine inner power to create a healthy, happy future.
There’s all this talk about the world ending in 2012. It’s not the end of the world. It is about taking back our power to create our own future in 2012. So we need to know how to do that.
HF: Let’s review the steps to create our ideal future now.
TC: When you start any journey, you must choose your destination first. You feel lost until you know where you’re going. So first, you imagine the future you want. Design it and write it down. Then you visualize it, and make it happen. I give you a Free worksheet and audio to help you do this on my website.
HF: And I thank you for guiding us through the process. And I encourage men and women to start designing the future life and relationships you love now. To claim your gift worksheets and audio CLICK HERE NOW
Get all the happy, sexy love you desire,
Hadley Finch