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Online Dating Guide. Learn The Top 10 Excuses That Stop You From Finding Love On Online Dating Sites

Millions of single men and women are seeking love on internet dating sites. Six out of ten newly-married couples claim they found their perfect love match online. Would you like to be one of them?

Avoid the top 10 excuses that may stop you from finding love online, and find out what to do instead:

Excuse 1. Who has time to look?

If you were out of work, how much time each day would you devote to your search for work?
If you are out of love, isn’t your search for your love match equally important to you? If you are too busy to search for love, then you are too busy to create a loving relationship.

Will you devote a half-hour in your busy day to your online search for love?

Excuse 2. I tried online dating sites and had no luck

Some singles have said this after using an online dating site for a free trial weekend. Would you expect to find your ideal job by reading the want ads for one weekend? Is it realistic to expect that you would find your ideal love match online in a few days or months?

Will you toss out your arbitrary timetable and commit to your online search for your love match, however long it takes?

Excuse 3. I don’t want to date until…

Are you waiting to date until you: lose weight, get a great job, finish writing your book, send your youngest child to college? Do you see your reasons as unchangeable facts? Do you see how this keeps you stuck on the edge of the online dating pool?

Will you take a new look at reasons to delay your search and see how you can find a way to meet successful singles online while you also work to achieve your other goals simultaneously?

Excuse 4. All the good ones are taken

Millions of great single men and women seeking love online would disagree with you, so this excuse simply isn’t true. Do you see how your limiting belief is blocking you from meeting new single friends and finding your ideal love match?

Will you let go of your limiting belief and dive into the online dating pool this week?

Excuse 5. I already know all the singles in my town

Great. It’s time to expand your dating horizons. Online dating sites unite singles around the world. There’s no reason for you to be alone, unless you want to be.

Will you move out of your dating comfort zone and sign up for an online dating site this week?

Excuse 6. I like my life the way it is. Why change it?

Are you so cozy in your life that you won’t make room for love? Do you think that dates always want to change you so you fit in with their lifestyle? These attitudes actually guard your heart to make sure you won’t love again.

Will you search for the love match who will fit right into your cozy life and love you just the way you are right now?

Excuse 7. Online dating sites are just one more way to be rejected

Will you flip the switch and rev up your self confidence? Online dating sites offer a million opportunities to be accepted by a wonderful love match. You don’t want to waste your time with a match who’s not attracted to the qualities you bring to a relationship.

Remember, each time you think or receive a NEXT signal from a potential match, you are one step closer to meeting the special person you desire and deserve.

Excuse 8. If it’s meant to be, my match will find me

This excuse is like leaving the light on in your bedroom window at night, hoping your love match will drive by and be drawn to it like a moth to a flame.

Will you be pro-active in your search for true love? Do you know what you want and want it enough to climb a mountain and ask for it? This metaphor reveals the energy, enthusiasm and effort that turns an ordinary search for love into a love quest. Ready to star in your own romantic adventure story?

Excuse 9. Online dating is too risky

The risks are diminished by built-in safeguards and guidelines used by most online dating sites. You create a screen name, and you won’t give out your private contact information until you’ve most likely emailed or chatted by video, talked on the phone and met for coffee in a public place.

If you sense you’ve met a solid person and you’ve felt a spark of mutual interest upon your first meeting face-to-face, you may want to reveal your real names and phone numbers. Then you can google each other or do a background check before you explore serious possibilities of a dating relationship.

Excuse 10. I’m successful in my career, and I don’t want anybody to know I’m dating online.

The people who will see your online dating profile are also single and seeking a fulfilled love life, and they may be equally successful in their career. They understand how career demands can interfere with a search for a relationship. They are using innovative online dating searching and screening technology to explore the country and the world for their ideal match who shares and values the best qualities.

Are you ready to meet other savvy singles who are proud to search the world for their true love?

I invite you to meet positive successful singles in our holistic dating and travel site. No more blind dates, since you meet in fun video chats and dream travel at dream prices. You don’t post your age, only a recent photo, so you can find love at any age. Meet awesome singles now. Click SINGLES CLUB in the menu bar and sign up.
Love deeply and live your dreams now,

Hadley Finch


About Hadley Finch

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