Is your romantic relationship on the rocks? Are you feeling under-appreciated, overlooked or ready to move on? If those feelings aren’t handled in a healthy, constructive way between you and your partner, you may be heading for a break up. Would you rather avoid a break up and spark up your relationship?
Instead of blaming your partner for your troubles, take a look at three ways you may be ruining your romantic relationship, and learn how to change that today.
Top Three Mistakes That Ruin Your Romantic Relationship And What To Do Instead
Mistake 1. Don’t Show Your Love And Appreciation For Your Partner
Loving words left unsaid and loving actions left undone will cause the spark of love to grow cold. It’s that simple.
What to do instead:
Frequent expressions of love and appreciation will deepen your intimate bond with your partner. Each day, find a way to tell your partner you love them and show your appreciation for their best qualities.
An act of kindness is one way to express your love. Do an errand or bring home a favorite treat that is certain to bring out a smile.
A gentle touch as you tell your partner what you like most about them or what makes you most proud of them may enhance your intimacy as much or more than a night of great sex. Why not explore both options?
Mistake 2. Don’t Clear Your Busy Schedule To Enjoy Time Together In Waking Hours
Are you conducting your relationship by phone or email during long days at work? Are you coming home too tired to make an emotional connection with your partner? Are you counting your time together in the time spent snoring next to each other in bed?
What to do instead:
Save some energy and time for your relationship each day. Let yourself know and be known, love and be loved.
Start sharing your secrets, dreams, fears and savoring achievements you each are making. Your enthusiastic presence is the best way to be present for your partner, to face challenges and share joyful moments that make up your daily lives.
You may build emotional intimacy in these ways even if your travel schedule forces you to stay connected by phone, email or Skype.
Mistake 3. Don’t Consider Your Partner’s Needs Equally With Your Own
Are you venting your frustrations? Finding faults? Bringing up past mistakes? Placing unrealistic demands? Blaming your unhappiness on your partner?
Here’s what to do instead:
Decide that you won’t be happy until your partner’s needs are met. Don’t expect or demand anything that you aren’t willing to give to your partner.
Forgive yourself and your partner for past mistakes so you can start fresh and enjoy each new moment together.
Ask how you can satisfy their desires and dreams for your relationship.
Be willing to correct an irritating habit if it makes your partner happy.
See your partner through kind eyes. Be gentle with their quirks or tell them how you find them endearing.
Express your gratitude for all the gifts your partner brings to your life.
Agree to make your relationship a priority in your focus, emotions, and availability each day.
Enjoy all the ways your new loving attitudes and actions will rekindle the spark in your romantic relationship!