A report in Men’s Health Magazine is a must read for every man and women who wants to affair-proof your relationship. Find out how men and women learn to recognize and guard against attractive threats to your intimate relationship as you read my summary of this Men’s Health report:
Path #3 To Infidelity: You don’t know how to recognize or guard against attractive threats to your relationship
Researchers in a McGill University study found that men and women reacted differently when asked to evaluate “attractive alternatives” to their intimate relationship.
When women were presented with photos of an attractive person of the opposite sex, women avoided the photo.
Men didn’t.
When women were asked to imagine an interaction with an attractive classmate of the opposite sex, women increased their thoughts of commitment and threat. Men didn’t.
McGill researchers suspect that women strive to be the protectors and gatekeepers of their relationships, or that women view threats to their relationship as personal. Whereas men tend to let their guard down, possibly because they don’t define themselves by their relationship as much.
The remedy:
McGill Researchers noted that when women see an attractive alternative moving in, they tend to use if-then contingencies that spark their automatic defense mechanisms. For example:
If he comes over here, then I’ll excuse myself to go get a drink.
Researchers found that when men develop their own if-then plan before entering a situation with many other women, men are more likely to perceive threats and guard their relationship against these “attractive alternatives”.
Will you develop your own if-then plan to protect your intimate relationship against the threat of an affair?
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Dedicated to your dating and relationship happiness,
Hadley Finch