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Relationship Rescue – 3 Free Valentine's Day Gifts That Revive Romantic Bliss

Valentine’s Day celebrates the best in romantic love. A traditional celebration including a special dinner, champagne, chocolates and a sexy gift can be too costly for many couples to enjoy in these tough economic times. Fortunately, a money deficiency is no reason to suffer from a romance deficiency on Valentine’s Day, or any day of the year, when you surprise your intimate partner with one or more of these Free Gift ideas that revive romantic bliss.

What is romantic bliss?

The late mythology expert, Dr. Joseph Campbell, observed that “bliss is that deep sense of being present, of doing what you absolutely must do to be yourself. If you can hang on to that, you are on the edge of the transcendent already.”

What is my bliss barometer for couples?

Romantic bliss is being present and embracing your partner with all of your senses, of sharing your best thoughts, words and actions, and being caught in the flow of joy and love that transcends awareness of time and thought.

Your path to a peak experience of romantic bliss begins as you present these Free Gifts to your partner:

1. Be a Love Genie who instantly grants your partner’s greatest Love Wish that you can fulfill in one day, without spending a dime or causing any harm.

Your partner might ask you to stop an annoying habit for a day, or fulfill a sexual fantasy, or shower them with loving compliments for 24 hours. Your reply is, “Your wish is my pleasure.” Then you fulfill their wish with love in your heart. Will your partner return the favor?

2. Give Love Coupons that your partner can redeem in a day, week, month, or throughout the year.

You happily respond whenever they ask to redeem your coupon for a relaxing massage, or a night of making dinner and cleaning up, or a day of doing their errands or joining in their favorite activity. A Love Coupon reminds you to make your partner’s needs as important as your own.

If you need a boost of healthy self love, you can create love coupons to be kind to yourself, to fulfill your dreams and fall in love again with you, so you naturally become more irresistible to your partner.

3. Present Mistake Erasers that help you let go of old baggage and start fresh.

I often tell my online community that there are no mistakes, only choices with love lessons attached like a bow. Using your mistake eraser pencil, you jot down in pencil the choice you made that had caused pain. Using an ink pen, jot down the love lessons that you learned from it.

Then ask your partner to erase the past incident, so that you leave it behind you. All that remains in ink is the love lesson that moves you forward.

What if your partner isn’t ready to use a mistake eraser?

You can use it privately to leave emotional baggage behind and be free to love yourself and your partner with a joyful heart.

Do you see how you can present these free gifts as often as needed to revive romantic bliss on Valentine’s Day and throughout the year?

And if you’re single and seeking your love match, I invite you to meet Singles FREE for a month in the dating site and travel club I started for positive, savvy singles. No more blind dates, since you meet in cozy video chats, special events and singles travel for every budget, including nearly free volunteer vacations.

Start meeting the Tribe Of Singles when you click on SINGLES CLUB in the menu bar and sign up. Enjoy!

Dedicated to our dating and relationship happiness,

Hadley Finch

About Hadley Finch

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