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Find Love In Chicago – What Are The Best Matchmaking Services For Chicago Singles?

When I was newly divorced after a long marriage, I asked the top matchmakers in Chicago to help me get reacquainted with the local dating scene. I’d like to share my experience with each service to help you choose your best matchmaker.

Looking for your personal social director and matchmaker?

The Social Network acts as your own social planner who takes care of every detail for frequent gatherings in which you meet singles for arts events or dining experiences around Chicago.

Whether you are newly single, new to Chicago or you’re seeking new events you can enjoy with professional singles, the Social Network coordinates all the party details for you. All you have to do is show up and have a good time meeting fellow singles. Marriage partners have met at Social Network events. Business partnerships have been formed through their networking opportunities.

The Social Network offers separate social events for singles under thirty and over thirty. Occasionally they combine the two age groups for special events like the Academy Awards viewing party, which is a favorite of mine. They also offer men and women a customized search for your love match in Chicago metro area for additional fees through Elan Relationships. For more information on The Social Network and Elan Relationships, call: 312.223.9400

Interested in meeting matches over lunch?

Even busy professionals have to take time out of your workday to eat lunch. Why not spice up your meal by meeting a lunch date at a hip restaurant? Expert matchmakers for It’s Just Lunch are First Date Specialists who not only select your match from active members in their service, but they also book lunch reservations near your office or home in the city or suburbs.

To honor your privacy, you only learn the first name of your lunch date before you meet. At the end of lunch, you either agree to exchange business cards and stay in touch. Or you simply thank each other for a dutch-treat date, and then go back to work.

After lunch, you will give your IJL matchmaker your feedback about your date to give them a better idea of the qualities you desire in your next lunch date. I discovered that you could have a new lunch date with a creative or business professional almost every week, if you signed up for an unlimited number of matches. IJL offers membership specials several times a year. For more info, call 312.644.9999

Are you willing to relocate for love?

Based in Chicago, Selective Search-Inc. promote themselves as the nation’s leading upscale matchmaking service. They will customize your love search locally or throughout their offices across the US. So you can request a match in a different city, if you’re willing to relocate for love. This matchmaking service is the most expensive by far. Currently, only men pay, and women join for free.

Their paid clients tend to be highly successful men seeking young women as a marriage partner. Younger men with the earning power to pay their hefty matchmaking fees often are introduced to their love match to raise a family together.

Selective Search-Inc. is renowned as being the service where executive recruiting meets personal matchmaking, and they claim to have the highest success rate in the industry.

However, I remain a challenge for them. I subscribed to Selective Search several years ago when women still paid the same fees as men for a customized search, which wasn’t limited to paid users of this service. I still have a few matches remaining in my paid subscription, yet no matches have been presented to me in recent years. Is it because I prefer a man closer to my own age, which doesn’t fit their business model?

I definitely recommend that women who seek a powerful, successful love match should contact Selective-Search for a free membership in their service. And men of all ages who can afford a nation-wide customized search most likely will be introduced to your most compatible love match through Selective Search-Inc. For more information, call 312.396.1200

Is there a top matchmaking service in Chicago for women who like to date younger men?

Not yet. I’d guess that a savvy matchmaking service may soon tap into this popular dating trend for singles in Chicago and across the country.

What about the best online dating services for Chicago Singles?

I started the first dating site and singles travel club for positive, optimistic singles. No more blind dates, since you meet in cozy video chats, special events and singles travel for every budget. You don’t post your age, so you can find love at any age.

Can pessimists join the dating site and travel club for positive singles?

Since like attracts like, it is rare that an optimist would be attracted to a pessimist. Pessimism is a block to love. So we offer Love Guides–top experts in happy relationships–to help you adopt the positive attitudes and action plans that will attract your best match and spark a lasting fire of love with your partner.

You can start meeting the savvy Tribe Of Singles FREE for one month when you visit https://tribeofsingles.com and sign up.

By now, you have the information you need to take a positive step to find love in Chicago. TribeOfSingles.com also unites savvy singles around the world.

Dedicated to our dating and relationship happiness,

Hadley Finch

Newly single, new to the city,

About Hadley Finch

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