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Romantic Rescue. Can You Read 3 Warning Signs Of A Break Up In A Dating Relationship?

If you’re concerned about changes in your dating relationship, the handwriting’s already on the wall. Don’t be blindsided by a break up. It’s in your best interests to learn how to read 3 signs that you’re heading for a break up. Then decide if it’s best to split or rescue your dating relationship.

What are 3 warning signs of an impending break up?

1. Fault Finding

Is your romantic partner finding new reasons to criticize you?
Are they rewriting history or blaming you for things that happened earlier or now?
Did you rarely fight, and now they’re often picking a fight, especially over little things?
Do they bring up all your differences in life experiences or values?
Do they make you feel like you can’t do anything right?

Finding faults in your romantic partner is what many of us do to justify leaving a relationship. If your partner is inventing faults that don’t fit your profile, they’re probably conjuring up reasons to leave you. Often it’s because they are shingling (overlapping) relationships and they want out of yours.

2. Disconnecting

Your partner is too busy at work to see you for meals or during waking hours.
They’re making time for other personal priorities, except for you.
They’re too stressed to be in the mood for sex (with you).
Your partner may wait days to answer your emails or phone calls.
Your phone conversations are impersonal and much less frequent.
You never talk about your feelings or future plans because your date cringes if you bring up these topics.

If your romantic partner has disconnected from you, then you may be clinging to a one-sided relationship.

3. Getting A Dating Makeover

Is your romantic partner changing their exercise routines to get in great shape, and excluding you in fitness outings?
Are they whitening their teeth, dying their hair, or lathering on youth creams without asking how you like their new look?
Are they buying new clothes or underwear for special occasions, yet you don’t have any special plans?

This means their emotional bags may be packed. So don’t be surprised if they leave you.

Should you let them go or rescue your relationship?

Once you see all the signs of a broken connection, ask yourself why you want to love someone who’s not showing any love for you?

If you’re just dating, you don’t have marriage vows to honor. No children to raise together. No pricey divorce battles to fight or property to divide.

Are you afraid of being alone? Of not finding someone as attractive, successful, or illusive as your current romantic partner?

Now ask yourself how things fell apart. What was your role in the disconnect? Accept it, so you don’t repeat it in a new relationship or if/when you repair this one.

Now ask yourself if you have a strong desire to revive loving connection and rescue your relationship.

If you do, then bring up all these issues in a calm, private discussion with your romantic partner. You will know by their reaction whether they’re ready to leave, if they feel conflicted, or if they’d like to refocus on your dating relationship.

Then you make the choice that supports your best interests. Relationship rescue? Renew your subscription to an online dating site? Either way, you’re one step closer to making a mutually fulfilling love match.

And if you’re single and seeking your great love, I invite you to meet savvy singles for video chats, social events and travel adventures in the Singles Club of Tribe Of Blondes. Not a hair color, it’s a resilient optimism that unites us and fuels our passionate choices and personal triumphs.
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Dedicated to your dating and relationship happiness,

Hadley Finch

About Hadley Finch

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