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Singles Disarm Love Sabotager #3 to Find Love

Stop Attracting Heartbreakers. Find Love in 12 Weeks. FindLoveForNewYearsEve.com
Stop Attracting Heartbreakers. Find Love in 12 Weeks. FindLoveForNewYearsEve.com

How do you stop attracting heartbreakers
and find love in 12 weeks? You’ll disarm–


What are some signs?

Find out in an Attraction Quiz:

Ever feel crazy about someone who wasn’t available
or wasn’t good for you?

Ever feel desperate for affection of someone who
sometimes treated you well and other times badly?

How’d you Score?

Each YES answer reveals when you’re pursuing

It’s exciting. It has Physical symptoms:
Your heart races. You’re weak in the knees.
You can’t sleep.

Does Attraction of Deprivation ever lead to lasting love?

You can’t create a loving relationship if someone
treats you badly or they aren’t available.
Your odds of success are that of a Vegas slot machine—
not good.

I often tell my online community: With powerful attraction
comes powerful love lessons attached like a bow—
often painful lessons. Why?

Attraction of deprivation is fueled by an unconscious
search for your IMAGO—someone who’ll throw salt on
your childhood wounds so you can heal them as an adult.

You can feel wildly attracted to people who embody the worst
characteristics of your primary caregivers as children.
It’s like your heart goes back to the scene of the crime,
to find someone who reminds you of your parents who hurt
or neglected you, so you can get them to love you right.

What if you’re sick and tired of being attracted to people
who can’t love you well?

What will you do instead to break that attraction habit?


What does inspired attraction look like, sound like, feel like?
Get examples from my interview guest, KEN PAGE
a psychologist who coined terms for both types of attraction.

Feel inspired attraction for a match who loves you well.  FindLoveForNewYearsEve.com
Feel inspired attraction for a match who loves you well. FindLoveForNewYearsEve.com

How’d you score?

Each YES reveals when you’re acting
for someone who can love you
truly, deeply, passionately.

How do you stop feeling attraction of deprivation
and start feeling inspired attraction
for someone who can love you well?

Ken Page says that your life and your dating life
will change when you recognize your CORE GIFTS.

They’re not talent nor skills, but places you feel most deeply.
It may not be a peaceful place,
but a place you’ve been hurt the most.

How do you identify your core gifts?
Ask yourself a question:
What quality in me feels more like a curse than a gift?

For example, the quality of loyalty can be a curse
if you’re loyal to someone who consistently hurts you.

Remember, you have the right to be a love warrior
and only be with people who honor your core gifts
and appreciate your most tender self,
which is the source of heart, soul and inspiration.

How do you know when it’s emotionally safe to reveal
your tender self and core gifts to a potential match?

Most of us have been hurt in that spot,
so we don’t live in that center of our gifts.
If you move too far away from it, you may go into
despair, depression and isolation.

When you start living in your core gift zone,
where you’re connected to your heart,
it doesn’t mean you’ll always be happy.
It means you’ll have a deep humanity
and creativity when you’re in your core zone.
That’s where magic happens.

When you start leading with that part of you,
it’s important to watch who deserves it and
who doesn’t. How?

Develop an eye for inspiration.
When you only date people who see and appreciate
your core gifts and qualities, then your dating life changes.

When you focus more on your own core gifts,
you will be more attracted to a love match
who appreciates and honors them.

That’s step one. What’s step 2?


Another step is to cultivate friends
who see your gifts and treasure them.
That’s how you learn to love your core gifts, too.

Find a dating buddy who appreciates your core gifts,
who’s also single and goes on this journey with you.

Get together and laugh and share details and coach
each other on your dating journey to enjoy your search
for your love match.

Meet likeminded singles who help each other
find love and make their top dreams real
with help from me and other love experts,
including Ken Page, in our 12 week program at

Get all the happy sexy love you desire now,

Hadley Finch

And you may Leap to Love with our Leap Year Special Offer:
Find Love in 12 Weeks for 50% savings!
Regular investment is $222.
Find love in 12 weeks for $111
Our next 12 week online program begins on Leap Year Day, 2/29/16.
Reserve your seat now.

Gift audio releases traumatic stress of lost love in 7 minutes. 911BreakupSurvival.com
Gift audio releases traumatic stress of lost love in 7 minutes. 911BreakupSurvival.com
Find Love In 12 weeks guided by top experts. 3 Videos get you started now. FindLoveForNewYearsEve.com
Find Love In 12 weeks guided by top experts. 3 Videos get you started now. FindLoveForNewYearsEve.com
Meet love matches in video chats, meetup events, singles love vacations--No more blind dates SinglesLoveMatches.com
Meet love matches in video chats, meetup events, singles love vacations–No more blind dates SinglesLoveMatches.com
Couples find bliss in gift premiere issue of Happy Sexy Love APP on iTunes and Google Play App stores.
Couples find bliss in gift premiere issue of Happy Sexy Love APP on iTunes and Google Play App stores.
Get audiobook FREE with audible trial http://happysexyloveinromanticrelationships.com
Get audiobook FREE with audible trial http://happysexyloveinromanticrelationships.com

About Hadley Finch

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