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Let Love In – Stop Defeating Love And Romance With Love Hypnosis

Whether you’re single and seeking a love match or you’re hoping to rev up romance in a relationship, you’re about to learn how to use the power of your subconscious mind to remove your barriers to genuine love. Tapping into this power also helps you achieve success in every area of your life.


Since our fears, insecurities and relationship baggage can be deeply embedded in our subconscious or emotional mind, we can change our past mind programming to change our life.

You’ll find out how to do that in my interview with Debra Berndt, the world’s leading love-mind expert and hypnotic relationship coach who wrote the amazon bestseller, Let Love In — Open Your Heart And Mind To Attract Your Ideal partner. These love tips also help couples revive love and romance.

How do you open your heart and mind to love?

Debra designed a simple plan to uncover and eliminate blocks to love and maintain a healthy mindset for happier relationships. She said our mental programming was firmed up by the age of ten, and it’s hard to change it after that.

Fortunately, a relaxing hypnotic trance can open a doorway to take you back to the time when your young mind was open like a sponge to positive information. You can take a look at a negative childhood memory from an adult perspective and revamp your view of it to heal it and release it’s negative power over you.

How do you find out which memory or programming needs to be revamped?

Jotting down a stream of conscious list of memories is a form of self hypnosis that quickly detects a negative thought pattern. To uncover an old issue, jot down your list in this format:

When I think about having love (or earning money, or creating a successful business, etc.) I think…

Now write down all your ideas that come to mind. Many positive ideas may flow at first, but you might be surprised by negative thoughts that eventually appear on your list. Writing this list actually gets you into a light trance where positive reprogramming can be done.


When you find the negative thoughts or memories, you consciously say to yourself that it’s an old thought, feeling or value. Now you can adjust the way you look at it. For example, you can rewrite the negative programming by giving yourself what you needed as a child, by being there for your younger self. You realize you’re not the small you any longer; you are now a powerful adult who can handle anything.

Will saying positive affirmations help you rewrite your negative programming?

It would take a thousand positive affirmations to match the power of one positive affirmation that you receive during a relaxing hypnotic trance. To experience the benefits of hypnosis, you need to be in a light trance, which is like being engrossed in a book or movie–except that the goal isn’t to escape reality but to confront it on its most hard to read levels and change your past programming.

Is it possible to hypnotize someone to love you?

Your subconscious mind is always communicating with your date’s subconscious mind. If you feel you’re unworthy of love or not good enough on an subconscious level, then you are hypnotizing a date not to fall in love with you. Or you attract a date who will make you feel unworthy or not good enough.

Alternately, if you feel a healthy self love, then you attract love like a love magnet. Hypnosis helps you love yourself again, attract a positive match and create a happier relationship.

Are there any risks in hypnosis?

Some people fear that a hypnotist can program you to do something negative or dangerous, but that’s a myth. During hypnosis, you remain awake and aware of everything you hear. If you’re afraid of negative things going into your mind, don’t watch the nightly news or read the negativity in newspapers.

Hypnosis can’t erase or change a memory, so there’s no danger there. It simply helps you become aware of an old block or negative pattern that you can rewrite and heal from your adult perspective.

What is your 3-step plan to uncover and eliminate blocks to love and maintain a healthy mindset?

Step 1: Get your mind in healthy shape and set positive goals using the exercises above.

Step 2: Take actions and emotional responses aligned with your new goals. If you want a serious relationship, then you stop dating commitment phobes.

Step 3: Keep the faith and believe in the unseen. You never know the moment your love match will appear, but you trust it will happen.

When you do this work of releasing blocks to love and success you make a mental shift toward love and success in all areas of your life.

And if you’d like to check out love hypnosis audios or read Debra Berndt’s free report to Let Love In, contact Debra at

Get all the happy, sexy love you desire,

Hadley Finch

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