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No Valentine? Leap Over This Love Block and Find Love Now (VIDEO)

You don’t have plans for a romantic Valentine’s Day celebration with a beloved partner? Don’t let that stop you from finding love today. How? By shifting your Love Focus.

Instead of focusing on the romantic love you lack, which steals your joy, stay focused on giving thanks for all the love in your life. Celebrate love on V-day by thanking people who’ve made a difference in your life, by sharing smiles and friendly words with people you see in your daily routines, by being kind and loving to yourself.

This builds feelings of healthy self love and gratitude, which attract love like a love magnet. Another great way to take control of your Love Focus on V-Day is to remember this:

The great love you are seeking is seeking you. You just haven’t met them yet. Until you do, it’s important to stay focused on sending love to others, being loving to yourself, and being open to meeting your great love who’s waiting to meet you, too.

Need a nudge? This video by my colleagues, Arielle Ford and Claire Zammit, shows you how to shift your Love Focus to Find Love Now:

And if you’d like to stop searching and find love now, you’ll discover 7 new ways to find great people to date, love and marry in my FREE report. Start reading now.

Have you heard about the world’s best guided love quest? No need to suffer through a random, lonely search for love. I will guide your love quest like a dating sherpa who handles baggage and gives you exciting love skills to find great love and create a great relationship. Take a FREE look around as my guest of TribeOfSingles dating site where marriage-minded singles find love.

Get the red-hot love life you deserve,

Hadley Finch

About Hadley Finch

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