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Path #1 to Infidelity – Is a Man's Brain Wired to Cheat Or to Be Sexually Faithful?

A report in Men’s Health Magazine is a must read for every man and women who wants to affair-proof your relationship. Find out why a man’s brain makes him susceptible to affairs and learn a remedy that supports sexual loyalty as you read my summary of this Men’s Health report:

Path #1 To Infidelity: A faulty brain switch that controls a man’s desire to form close ties

There is a gene that regulates the release of a male hormone called vasopressin, which activates bonding centers in a man’s brain. (In women, the hormone, oxytocin, serves the same purpose.)

If a man has variations of the gene coding for vasopressin receptors, he won’t be as cuddly or affectionate as his mate may like him to be. He is less likely to commit and more likely to have relationship problems. (Based on studies at Stockholm’s Karolinska Institute in 2008.)

Is this man wired to cheat?

A man with this gene variation can’t ever say he’s genetically predetermined to cheat. That’s the opinion of Larry Young, Ph.D., a psychiatry professor at Emory University.

Dr. Young found this gene switch while he studied male prairie voles — a small rodent who actually bonds with his mate. The vole’s genetic traits gave Dr. Young clues about why humans stray from their mates.

Dr. Young says that this gene variation changes the probability of the type of relationship a man will have. A man’s culture, childhood and life experiences play a large role in determining his behavior and choices.

How does a man ward off the probabilities that he will cheat?

The Remedy:

Dr. Young recommends that men increase daily intimacy to boost bonding. “We know that vasopressin is released during sex, and it’s probably released in other intimate situations as well,” says Dr. Young.

A man can keep his vassopressin receptors firing throughout the day — each time he creates a bonding feeling with his mate through intimate gestures like a phone call, email, hug, kiss, etc.

Each time his mate responds with their own intimate gestures, this ignites the vasopressin bonding centers in his brain and makes him less likely to stray from their relationship.

Will you use this remedy to spark intimacy and commitment in your relationship?

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Dedicated to your dating and relationship happiness,

Hadley Finch

About Hadley Finch

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