A challenging Love Test in the dating process is to face primal feelings of fear, neediness and emptiness that may arise in the presence of new love. The way you deal with this Love Test will either open or close your heart to love.
If you give in to your fear, then you start holding back and pulling away, instead of getting closer.
You may settle or pretend to be the person your partner wants you to be, instead of being true to who you are and what you want and offer in a relationship.
You might try to make a relationship work with a partner who doesn’t support your best interests or well being, instead of being content on your own and loving your single life until you meet your most supportive love match.
How do you open your heart to love instead of fear?
Make a commitment to know and love yourself first, so that you feel totally loved and loving before you enter a serious relationship.
Here are 3 Love Tips That Open Your Heart To Love
1. You strive to get a clear picture of your best qualities, strengths and talents that you bring to the relationship you have with yourself and a future love match; and you decide which of your best qualities are essential in your best match.
For example, if you are loyal and nurturing, then you may hold out for the same qualities in your future match and politely take a pass on spending time with dates who lack them.
2. You find safe ways to soothe your pain and to love yourself in moments of neediness or emptiness, so that you stay true to your best interests and happily refuse to settle for less in a relationship.
As mere mortals, we accept painful loss as a natural part of life. And we cope with pain by experiencing it, by learning it’s love lesson and by finding solutions that move us back into the loving contentment that is our natural essence.
3. You bring loving kindness into your interactions with yourself and with everyone you meet, so that your heart is open and loving when you meet your match who also radiates loving kindness.
As you build loving bridges, you stay connected in positive ways with the people in your life and form a positive team of mutual support to work through tough times and share the joyful times.
As you live from your loving core and make friends with all parts of yourself, you meet each moment and each potential match in loving awareness. And you make choices that support your well being regardless of whether you are single or in a loving relationship.
And if you’d like to meet your perfect match, you’ll meet positive, successful singles in our elite dating site and travel club. No more blind dates, since you meet in cozy video chats and in dream travel at dream prices to enjoy the most romantic spots on earth. Meet savvy singles for FREE now when you click on SINGLES CLUB in the menu bar and sign up!
Love deeply and live your dreams now,
Hadley Finch