Bob Carol Ted and Alice is a hip 1969 film that climaxed in a king size bed where two married couples played by Robert Culp, Natalie Wood, Elliot Gould and Dyan Cannon attempt to swap partners with their closest friends. Their friendly orgy fizzles as curiosity and concern for their mates visibly steals their focus away from their new romantic partner.
I often tell my online community that distracted focus is the root cause of most marital or relationship challenges. This 60’s film illustrates this–not only in the aborted orgy among friends, but also in the way these couples face extramarital temptations at work and at play.
Why should modern couples watch this Turner Classic Movie revival?
You will discover timeless strategies that guide you around relationship minefields. In an early scene, Bob and Carol (Robert Culp and Natalie Wood) participate in a couples coaching weekend at The Institute, where Bob is doing research for his documentary film.
The couples Coach explains their emotional objective as he says, “We talk about love, but how often do we feel it? Maybe this work will open some doors.”
The Coach says people rarely talk to each other or deal with what you really feel. He says the truth is always gorgeous. He encourages couples to dig beyond the surface to discover and express true feelings in each moment.
His coaching helps Bob realize that he’s afraid to ask for help. When he admits this truth and shows his vulnerability to his wife, this emotional breakthrough helps them feel closer as a couple.
Yet the goal of being open and acting upon your feelings in each moment can come with risks to your relationship. When Bob has a one-night stand with a young woman who’s working on his film, he returns home and tells his wife the truth.
Upon her questioning, he admits it was only a physical thing without love. He expects his wife to be jealous or angry. Instead, she seems turned on by the sexual competition and asks her husband to compare her kissing to that of his fling. His wife (Natalie Wood) wins that competition.
Weeks later, when Bob comes home early from a film location and finds his wife having a fling with her tennis coach, his jealousy is aroused. They deal with it by expressing their feelings and finding the emotional truth. She did not have a loveless fling to get even with her husband, but only to get the same experience.
When Bob and Carol admit their dalliances and discoveries to their close friends, Ted and Alice, it causes Alice to shut down sexually in disapproval and it frees her husband, Ted, to have an affair. Alice eventually suggests their partner-swapping party to revive her sexual desire, which ultimately reverts back to her husband without needing to have an affair that’s against her moral code.
The erotic adventures of these two couples show us painful ways to revive passion with your long-term partner by adding sexual competition in the relationship mix. Real-life couples may not be able to handle this emotional dynamite with the hip ease of these film couples.
Yet Bob Carol Ted And Alice show modern couples how important it is to express your true feelings and face marital challenges honestly and tenderly–assuming you want to strengthen your emotional connection with your mate.
How can you use these love tips to spark a lasting fire of love with your intimate partner?
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Dedicated to your dating and relationship happiness,
Hadley Finch